Hi there

The other day we had a small discussion involving this mather. The operator asked me if I wanted something to drink. So, with it being a hot summer and all I asked for a cool can of coke. The operator claimed that fizzy drinks in the chamber, under pressure, are no good. He didn't really knew why but for keeping it on the safe side, he offered me cold water. So now, opinions are a bit divided amoungst the team. Some say don't others say do! if you don't mind burpin' and fartin' more. So does anyone know?

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?!! If you can have a can of coke at 150m in Sat, you can probably have one in an Air chamber! Don't think ANYTHING will stop a Diver Fartin' and Belchin'..
true lol... thanks!
When you drink a carbonated drink at pressure the carbonation stays in the solution and can be absorded as you digest the drink. When you are being brought to the surface then you have rapid offgassing. You may not be able to burp and fart fast enough to vent it and internal damage may occur. I for one do not want to test and find out if it will really happen. In sat you surface alot slower so it is not a problem.
If they bring you back down fast enough to stop the chest pain and SOB from the pressure of your stomach pushing your diaphragm upward; because the soda's CO2 gas is expanding too rapidly, when the outgassing starts you'll burp and fart until you think you're turning yourself inside out in your misery. Excellent demonstration of Henry's Law.

Best case scenario you probably just increased you time in the chamber, worse case scenario...well...let's just say stick with the water.
Half of your intestines will be dangling. You will need a bucket to carry them.
Marty darling, you're thinking of the old chamber toilets and those nasty suction problems.

I'm thinking more along the lines of what happens when you overinflate a balloon, or twist a gut, or an intussusception. Luckily they're tenders, not horses so y'all won't have to shoot em.
I know I just wanted to give them a visual image to reinforce the message.
Henry's Law is a scientific fact and the classic example of this law is the opening of a can of coke and watching all the bubbles fizz to the surface.

One other point on the subject is worth mentioning, When you come up from your dive your body is already dehydrated, drinking coke only acts to further dehydrate you.

Studies suggest an increase in the susceptibility to DCS through increased dehydration. Other studies have concluded that decompression sickness could be reduced when the blood's surface tension was raised by drinking isotonic saline. The high surface tension of water is helpful in controlling bubble size, so drinking water is recommended by most experts.
I know for a fact that there is a direct link between dehydration and DCS. But saying that, if you drink a coke after a dive you're more susceptible to DCS is a bit exaggerated. It might be a scientific fact. But the ratio of it in fact happening to divers (dive -> coke -> DCS) would be so low that it wouldn't be worth worrying about.
cool, will do :)
i'm not telling you not to. find out for us all :)
I for one would like to know from someone 1st hand what would happen, but I think you should just not take that chance. Just think of this "Your life or your coke. Your choice"


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