Hey everyone,


Just to find out if anyone has heard from within which companies have work coming and are looking for air divers.  Have been doing the phone jockey but have turned up little and the lips seem to be rather tight about information.

Looking for a bit of a heads up is all .. thanks


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Farce.....Madcon is not hiring
Evan , noticed your from Canada unless you have a visa forget about GOM .Too many hands with way too much experience sitting on the beach . Oversea well ...... slow all over . Not the season everyone was saying for sure .

hey Scott,


yeah GOM isnt looking good for me unless another Katrina happens down there , which for the residents would not be good .. but for us it would be rather nice :)


The season isnt nearly as busy as we all would have liked and am hoping it picks up for us all !!


Being from Ontario , have you heard of much happening in the Great Lakes ?

Hydrex LLC are looking for Canadian Air Divers for Ship Husbandry worldwide. Got sent it from Divework. Don't shoot the messenger. Dive work are also looking for SurDo2 Welders somewhere like the Adriatic or something. Www.Divework.com
i called about hydrex in florida....they told me with my gom experience that i'm not qualified for ship's husbandry.  last year they were looking to send divers over to spain to do the same thing.  appearantly, gom construction diving isn't good enough to clean some props
Hydrex is only going to hire out of country people so they don't have to worry about all the rules they would have to fallow if they hire some one  here in the U.S. but by law being in the U.S. they have to run ad's saying they are hiring in the U.S. but really they are not.

they're only offering $450 per day? seems kinda low.


whats the average GOM daily? we were getting 700 of the coast of NFLD in Canada

Thanks for all information guys , always nice to see those willing to help on here

as sometimes it can be far and few between .. haha just like work some points of

the year

Hey Even


Great lakes ..well Erie is union and hard to get in. I just live in Ontario and haven't workied in Canada in some time .


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