The Commercial Diver Network
Ok Crew, Im at it again. TIme for divers to stand up and stand out! I have been working on this for awhile. The only way we can retake this industry is to re write the standards being taught. I am looking for former NAVY, ARMY, COAST GUARD, and MARINE DIVING Instructors to assist in creating a real world diver training program.
256-312-9503, e-mail
No smart ass comments, please no student or rookie comments at this time. Sr. Divers and former instructors ONLY.
First thing Willy told me when I graduated was, congrats, you are now an unemployed diver, if your lucky, 1-3 yrs as a tender. I got lucky and jumped the 1st week in the gulf, lots of offshoot companies started then. Only time I tended was after I was a sat tech/ chamber op and the company I worked for transferred me to another vessel. They wanted me to be a betty tender on that vessel after 4yrs with them diving/ shop foreman and sat teching. Needless to say, I walked, went to mexico, sat on the beach for a week, returned stateside and started my own company for harvesting sea food and in water boat maint. Willy was my mentor in school even if he denies it. You will not hear BS out of his mouth about diving.
Hello Jerry,
You should become a member of There's no cost. There is also a directory of over 6,500 businesses from around the United States owned by veterans and active duty military. There are a few categories related to diving, diving excursions, dive training, diving equipment and more.
Hello Jerry,
My name is David Roncinske, I am a representative with the Wharf and Dock Builders and Divers Local Union 454 out of Philadelphia. I have been working to improve the conditions under which our Divers work, hence the all the Divers in our area since I cam on staff. We just built a brand new Training center to pursue under water welding qualifications, and other training opportunities as required by our contractors and members. Our local makes available opportunities to Veterans through Helmets to Hard Hats, I cant say that we give preferential treatment to Veterans, we don't have to, because they don't need any and usually fit right in. Were doing our part to make this a respectable living, I will help anyone who wants to improve the conditions we all work under. We all know what the problem is, its now time to do something about it.
It is good that you want to offer the highest quality instruction. Of course, if you want to compete with low wage divers, your going to have to offer superior divers. If you want to train divers for the offshore oil industry, you may want more than just "diving" instructors. It may be worth while to know something about the industry, and what is expected from the indusrty. I've made shallow dives, and deep dives. At the end of the day, it is what is accomplished that matters. Getting back alive is surely the first consideration, but after that, the money is in getting the jod done. Getting a diving certificate is wonderful. But if your students previous jobs were at the taco bell, well, may want to expand the training course. Build some relationships with the offshore oil and gas companies, know what the market demands. Whether it is diving in nuclear plants, inland or offshore oil and gas, know what that entails. And that only comes from experienced people. If you want your students to be the best, you have to produce the best. Just something to think about.
with over 20 years in the business and half of that in the GOM ( where I started) I thing I have the knowledge. As a Marine, I will only allow the best to carry our card ( Definately not ADCI, as I will not pay tribute to Cesar) The Navy Dive Program is paid for by our tax dollars and far surpa**** what is taught in most schools. And from what I hear through the grapevine the OGP is about had enough of the ADCI and their outdated grabtactics.
I have it on GOVERNMENT authority, that there is no reason other than the silence of the divers that the ADCI is considered "THE GOVERNING BODY" and the voice of the Commercial Diving industry. That is about to change. We are setting up a 50/50 program (1/2 day in classroom, 1/ day in the water)
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