Hi ive been a Qualified Commercial Diver since beginning 2010, ive been applying for a lot of jobs and always get the reply of you don’t have enough experience!! We ( Rookie Divers )need to start some where, All of the Divers here on this site and over the world where in the exactly the same Spot. All of the experience Divers where rookie divers in the Beginning.


My Question is…  Where’s that point where our rookie divers will get a chance to get experience and to Prove our self’s?

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Forgive me for my ignorants but what is "civils" is that another way of saying inshore?

civil construction projects ie bridges dams quay walls etc all inshore

I think Will & Bishop answered best about getting GOM work. But let me say this ,When I tended I saw a couple guys from inland bullsh!t their way in the rotation usually on shallow 50ft -80ft pipe walking ,jetting ,..But on the industry specific jobs usually they looked bad and werent called back. Because they didnt know the work, on simple stuff they were fine. The time of year & amount of work out there is a factor too. You dont have to be a punk to tend infact better not to be. But know that taking a little sh!t comes with any apprenticeship . The only way I know around it ,is in the times of plenty, tend for a little company for 6-8 months they'll break you out . then the big companies will take a chance on you when they are in a bind for jobs nobody else in the roster can go on or wants to go on. In the slow times everybody lengthens the tending period. If you do go GOM stick it out. play the hand you are dealt. Be a great hand! I worked with a guy got there after me & broke out in 7 months. But he was twice the hand I was at the time so he deserved it. As Dale said figure on a side income. Lastly know this you are just a little more important than a bouy we used to cut from styrofoam blocks. Your only as good as your last job. So be great all the time . As tender be the last one in the rack & the first one up on deck ,anticipate,participate, & think of things that need doing when theres nothing to do. I agree with Jerry to a point & i do believe the system is flawed but if your Tender for 14 months & a guy you went to school with comes from inland to the gulf as a diver thats not fair either. Once you are seasoned & qualified meaning you know the work in that area. you should never have to go backwards.

Ive been watching and reading this site for a long time and there is alot of good information and view points shared.What I have witnessed is a general unhappiness with this industry from both sides meaning GOM and Civil being lack of this is what I have done and this is my "ranking" or "rate" for lack of a better term. A salty Navy diver said this"Being a good tender dosnt have a damn thing to do with being a good diver" His point was the only way to get good at something is to do it. Some GOM are upset with the length they are having to tend.Then when they get a chance to dive they are no good at it,because they arent being used correctly.Holding a hose if its dive hose,jet hose or any other hose.Dosnt do anything for your capabilities under the water. And in turn a person with GOM may not be good at Civil work do to lack of experiance in those process and the extreme difference in bottom times.If a "all recognized" rate or ranking is desired the only possible way that I see is for a Union with a training program to be developed, so there would be a actual"Journyman" level attained. Lots of other trades use this process Ironworkers, Plumbers, Masons, to Elevators. Thats why they can go anywhere in the country and get that recognition. Men before us saw the wisdom in this and those after them have been blessed by it. If your unhappy with the current state of our industry change it or it will continue on this downward spiral until we are all replaced by migrant workers.All the trades that made the change made it by incorporating there top as well as the base. I made the switch from civil to the GOM and have started as a tender again.Its not bad and Im happy to be working.I love the diving industry and the work we do.I wish and hope for the day that everyone in our trade sees how we must make this change for ourselves and for divers to come

God Bless and Safe travels

I respect everybodies skill set. i cant speak for the wh*** Gulf but off the great state of Louisiana most of what you do is poor vis. I only know what I witnessed
Good points made by Jerry Babin and Mike W, but I think this underlines the differences between inland/offshore. Most countries have different regulations addressing the differences between these. ADCI seeked to encompass it all under one big book of regulations and it DOESN'T WORK. Case in point from the Original Post, Dennis, is that ADCI will issue you a card (for $$, of course!!) as a Surface Supplied Air DIVER after a mere 30 dives, but the GOM will not consider you more than a tender for at least 2 years.
If I were to go out to the GOM I'd be considered no more than prolly a tender's assistant, "go get me some coffee, woman". Regardless of 14 years of diving, as an instructor, tenchical, cave and then commercial diver, and now a supervisor for Nuclear diving.
Two very different worlds. I'd probably suck in the GOM world and some GOM guy would probably likely suck in mine, at leas in each other's biased eyes.
Dennis has a choice, so does the other diver with the Civil background. Serve your time in the GOM or go inland, both have pluses and minuses. In most nukes, divers need at least 3 years experience, but there will be work tending.
Sorry you misunderstood me, Flynn. I was being critical of ADCI (fact, they do NOT have power to regulate though they are wanting to, and they should definitely NOT get that power!); underlining the FACT that, offshore or inland, you need to serve your time as a tender; and even with a well rounded education, and by that I meant to say my previous experience serves to make me more comfortable in the water,not necessarily more qualified to do work, just less likely to panic over every little thing and more familiar with equipment etc (and I have seen some guys panic, others pass out) you will STILL have to do rookie time.
I mentioned the min. 3 year because I too, believe in it. I criticize ADCI for helping people believe that 30 dives makes you a "diver".
As for pluses or minuses, they do exist.
Coming home, or the relative freedom on the road of being in a hotel, etc. as well as work differences, (some people like different types of work), even the type of people you will be working with.
I was not ever one to think I'd enjoy the GOM, so I didn't even mess with it. Left it all to the tough men, however, in my field, I have flourished and done well for myself. Doesn't make me less capable.
All this, Flynn, is not a rant against you, I am just thinking you others may have thought I was belittling the GOM.
Just different worlds and our OP has a choice of where to go, both will have their challenges. However, inland, though it will be the same in putting in your time tending, may offer some oportunities to work as well.
and LOL, yes, I am hot... glowlingly so.... jk. =)
LOL, Flynn, about the ADCI and Democratic Party!
Thanks for the reply. Good to know we understand each other.
As for coming to the GOM... hmmm... I like my winters here in the great lakes. =)
Looking forward to snow this Thanksgiving. I lived in the Caribbean, in La, and in tropical countries (Philippines and Brazil), have had my share of hot and humid to last me a lifetime! hahaha.

I graduated DIT two years ago. I sent my resume via email to ALL of the companies listed in the ADCI blue pages. It took me two days. It was over 100 companies. I got one job offer back from a ma and pa company on the east coast, which I decided not to take. I did all of this in late April which is the time of year when our season starts to look promising.

The only way to get a diving job is to physically knock on the door of the business and confidently walk in with resume in hand, ready to go take your physical and pee test. A week after no luck with my emails, I ended up going out on a limb, driving down to the gulf, and landing my first job with a company that wasn't hiring and never responded to my emails. Calling and emailing doesn't do a wh*** lot for you in this industry. Face to face works. Good luck man.

F***ing red hat's, FNG's hope for one big storm to take out some s*** and then get ready to watch learn and stay safe. I know the schools tell you are a diver when you leave but you now know that is not true. Like all us Divers we all started out from the bottom and went to the top, but it was not easy and it sure was not fun. And what ever you do, do not work inland for your first job because you will not get a job offshore in the GOM and you will be an inland diver for life. First thing I can tell you is you have to be in there face and up there ass if you want a job, another words resume and calling from another state will get you no were. I got done with school and drove my ass to L.A. and knocked on Global IND door and the next thing I knew I was working but that was a long time ago and it is different now. Keep your head up and stay at it if you really want to be a diver. I know a lot of us sound like we don't want you to get a job and that has a lot to do with the way the companies are treating there divers and how hard it has become to get work even with years of diving in the GOM


BP sure did not help things and no one even asked WTF was a European company doing drilling in our water any way? well can any one tell me. So there it is the real reason why you are having a hard time finding work in the GOM. Good luck with the job search

BP wasnt the actual drillimg it was operated by transocean

Being a diver is what your comfortable with. When I did my first 300 ft pop I loved the way I felt. I was just naturuale at that. I couldnt wait to get to my job and perform. If you got your gear and you think you can preform, then advertise youself as a diver. But...If you f*** up.....youll be a....Ill let you figure that out. This is not a normal proffession. You have to like pressure and solitude...and be capable..or the buissness will eat you alive. If your looking for status, fine be able to back it up. If your not a commercial diver everyone will know it...Good luck buddy


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