New toy new toy new toy

I have a new Stanley GR29 grinder.


Having had a practise run as you do on the surface and had no problem at all.

 it cut like hell, i was realy pleased but!!!


We are cutting 15mm thick H beams on the seabed in zero vis after pressing the trigger the first time.


It’s a good deal harder than anticipated after the play at the surface.


1/ the 1st  problem the discs kept on slipping on the spindle.

Reason, the nut did not screw down enough, we have now sorted this, by having the nut machined off a thou of an inch perfect.


2/ we start the cut @20ltrs/min then slowly increase  to 25/30ltrs/min but it is almost impossible to hold for more than a few minutes.


Any tips for me as I am busting a gutt after about 90minutes I am wrecked.


Steve h

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Hey Lauren good to hear from you I agree burning quicker and done and that would be my first approach however I really wanted to see if a cutting disc with cutting or burning guides would give us more time efficiency. Many can cut it then comes the task of preping it for a flat and plum fit up to weld. So that seems to be the wrestling match here what works quicker and better. Best regards to the family.
As for the F***ing rooks.
I am not quite sure i know what you mean exactly, but anyway.

1/ Broco indeed would have been the preferred method but I do not have one .

2/ the pontoon would not carry the weight of the cylinders and the is little to no access for more than a garden wheelbarrow.

3/ when you are buying gear for a small company like ourselves you look a the potential of work in the future for the said item, so I my case work for a broco = ZERO.
work for grinder come prop polishing etc multi purpose as you can see, so the grinder is value for money and the only way to go.
but that is only my opinion sorry.
Were where you 6 days ago.
Thanks for the input, and unfortunately for use we have found out by trial and error over the last 14 dives.
And most all you have mentioned about the disc’s we have found to our expense to be correct.
I ended up buying 5 makes of disc and found one to be of a medium compound seemingly, while its life was about an hour it did not break up but did cut relatively well by comparison to the much harder thinner s/s cutting disc that just kept breaking up with any slight movement of the hand when cutting or starting.
I would be interested in a little more info ref making an exo torch
Steve h
Steve several comments here lead me to asking you this have you graduated from a commercial dive school or are you just trying to learn and teach yourself how to do construction as you go ?
No disrespect Steve but if this is the case scuba divers without proper training have been killed by what they dont know and lack of proper training. We dont want to be reading about you buddy and any part of that.
I was starting to wonder about that myself...
Welder (you can rent), O2hose (buy), O2 reg(buy), 02 (rent), broco torch (buy a few, highest cost I think), switch (diy), weldingcables (buy or rent), rods (buy), ducktape (steal), powersupply (rent). Not that expensive I think.

Then again I have never met a diving company who doesnt own a welder or blowtorch.


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