Looking for peoples opinions on the 77 hat.  I have heard from my friend, who sold one after some time, in order to buy a 37, cause he said it had rust issues around the reg unit, and that the reg got hit a lot becuase it protrudes off the hat so much.  Other than physical issues he said it was great, just had some design flaws.  Another guy I worked with had one and loved it made no mention of any inherent defects, so what gives?

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Try out the Gorski . A little Naval Jelly will take care of the rust issue on the 77.
Chino Divers like the 77 and the Gorski with no complaints about either.
It all has to do with the divers comfort level with his hat.
Try them all prior to buying. Just like a women.
Hey thanks for the feed back, I'll try out the 77, the 37 and the Gorski I've heard good things about. I personally own a 17 and that hat is aces, but I was thinking about the next thing, over
No Aces hat is a Gorski and if you would like to dive & try one come visit me here in Hawaii and I'll let you dive mine here in Hawaii where the waters warm,clear and the weather is just right at 82 degrees with a trade wind.
I myself personally would rather dive the 77.Especially then the Gorski.S.S 77 is personnaly the right choice because of the air demadablitiy. And for some reason Gorski's seem to have a build of of CO2 inside the hat due to the positioning of the exost.for em hands down good old 77
Theres no build up of gas in my Gorski dive hat. If a person has a head that is too small or too large the end result is a poor fit up and possiable extra gas could maybe build up inside not what you want in any hat.
One solution first learn the gear and know that the mfg in this case Gorski makes two (2) sizes of headliner snoopys. Like any piece of gear you have to know how to use it properly.
Example; Divers who use some one elses hat then say it leaks water inside because he the user didnt happen to notice that he has a pencil neck and the owner of the hat has a fat neck well the end result is water in the hat because of improper sealing of the neckdam. This equipment has to fit ya so know and learn what your diving before hand. Heck who knows in that way you might be fortunate enough to become one of the old guys in diving like me and John Carl Roat. There are lots of reasons we can and still enjoy working as divers the above examples are just a few safety notes to be aware of. Old ones and bold ones. I love being a diver.
really dont like it, heavy, too big on my head, entire hat is conductive.

my heart lies with the 17
Skylar if one of those retarted workers ever drop and crack your dive hat shell or it ever gets rejected for a required inspection you will get a new appreciation for metal. I think its over $2000 for a new plastic shell maybe more ? Yep its got to fit right and you have to like it I sure dint want to dive with anything that dosent fit and I dont like either.
ever been gouging in the wet and hit the back of the rod on your noseblock?, 350 400 amps straight through your face. now that can happen across the entire hat.

and dont say it doesnt happen we have 77's with arc strikes on them.
Yea it could happen dont know about you but when I pick up a stinger or a hp lance I give it complete respect and keep the hell away from anything that can get me.

Here is a question, did the diver who got the arc strike ever think about taping black electrical tape over the nose clearing devise to help give them some insulation ? Also when they got the arc strike did they see grey ?

My be real carefully aware check off list goes like this;

heavy loads
hp water lances
impellers and boats propellers
animals with teeth and things that can sting
Even with all of this I like all other divers are still at risk. Time under pressure =Risk
I love being a Diver.


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