Casual people in diving industry with fake certificates.

To protect ourselves, please report if you find out any fact of such.
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number one
His dive ticket Norwegian eh, but don’t speak Norwegian, Photoshop.
Then he took supv course in KBA and became trainee but don’t know how to use 17th hat and tables at all.
that not funny
people who wannabe supv must be divers first and spent time offshore
otherwise you will have @Casual wankers@ and casualty.
check with numbers and ask from centre
capslock off
you mast attend, that is ansver
not photoshop
Subsealegal- why don't you just contact SDS direct and tell them to recind his ticket? (If this is true...) It would be a lot more professional than starting an unproven s***-storm on here.
A bit worrying that you base your character asassination in part, because he went to SDS yet mysteriously doesn't speak Noggy?! WTF? I'm guessing you are some baby diver with an axe to grind.
I was e-mailed there but no ansver.
Subsealegal lol... you remind me of SHAFT.

Who is the man that would risk his neck
For his brother man?

Right on!
Mr. SubSeaLegal, I guess some people have nothing better to do with their time then to attack others. As for certifications, some of the best divers I know, who have been in the business since the '50s learned at the school of Hard Knocks. A certificate is not all it takes to make a good diver.
I hope you didn't take your diving course at the same school you took your spelling and typing course.
I totally agree with you Nick!
what a c-nt that 1 subsea legal,fck up people on the net!
hate people like that
to the rest
Has anyone checked out Mr. Subsealegal's information? For school attended he put "Best", did he take it at a Best Western Motel or a Best Buy Store? For deepest dive me put "12 inches", not quite Sat Diving is it?
I think if he wants to point out fakes, he may want to start by standing infront of a mirror and pointing.
My dear boy,

Sorry I kept you waiting so long, comparing to you, I am working a lot and got no time for typing this b-s***.
I can see you are desperate, to get your little down h***, out of your pathetic mindset....

if you need any help, or money, please let me know, I'll be more then happy to lend you.

and thanks for all the other guys that commented this.

What separates me from you, little IMCA legal wannabe, I do not s*** arround, and spend my life on facebook like sites, but work for my living.
And I do advise you to start.

And another point. Please be brave as any diver should be and identify yourself, with name and picture, so everyone can see a guy we are conversating with.
Otherwise, we could think you are a girl, or f**got, or sleeze life form....




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