hey whats a lightly used Kirby Morgan Bandmask 18 worth on the open market these days?

and how about an older 10, would anybody even let you dive it on their job?
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There is very little difference to me .
All from the 10 to the 18 (which I use daily) minimal updates as the years have passed.
Yes you could turn round and say that the 18 is far superior in every way mmm!!!??? Not really its been a learning curve the main difference to me is hose over the shoulder and band clips so the hood does not fall off.
In fact the 10 probably has a superior mask build (lay up) due to fibre glass was a new thing at the time so twice as much was used .

You turn up with a 10 today.
Is it in test yes you happy with it yes
Then lets go to work.
But if your super is 25yrs old then maybe that could be a NO

thanks lizz are you referring to the 10 specifically or bandmasks in general because i am very familiar with using the 18 and 28 im just not sure about the older models

Bandmask - yes
US divers MK 10 - no

can tell by the sideblock and exhaust whiskers

we use them mostly for hyperbaric work because you can dress yourself in quickly in case it floods

its a bugger if you have to clear your ears

Kirby Morgan BandMask 8. This was the first of our masks to sell on a large scale. It had several improvements over the 7, primarily the provision for attaching a bail out bottle for emergency breathing gas supply. This mask was manufactured in 1967 through 1969.

mmm thats what you say but before this there were spit cocks mmm!!!!
is there any other way to dive in a marina other than in zero vis i wish
"things are worth what you can get people to pay you for them"
Jack Brown-Help ! I use to sell KMB-10's for $525 back in the early/mid 70's but got tired of having to buy top bands and the parts needed just seemed to go on forever like hoods, spider bands, etc. a handy mask but hats are better so I bought my first Miller 100 just a strait air hat better coms and dry ears ending ear infections. The KMB-10 was a pretty good mask but the jaw fatigue -wow.
yes been there one time only thankfully ouch felt as if i had been punched on the jaw.
but if you slack the band off as per instructions i.e. at the jaw what a difference ok i spend maybe 2 3hrs in it not all day.
go on do tell more why?? or you could pm me if you don't wish to post it here.


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