..I've got some video's to upload, but they're bigger than 100mb, so how do I split them up to upload?
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To be honest, that's how it'll probably end up...
Ctrl/alt/delete if that dosent work hit it with a very big hammer!!
vimeo.com let's you upload 500mb videos for free. if that isn't good enough, download a video file converter and convert the video to an .avi or .mp4 file. that usually makes them almost half as small.
Hey Stu, check out a couple of Bar Protector shots on Billy Joe Churchwells' site www.billyjoe.net/diving/
Not trying to stereotype, but I'll give it a go :)
You're a satdiver, probably you own one of those posh Mac's or Iphones. If so, get Winrar. It's a program that shrinks a file into one or more (rar)files.
http://www.brothersoft.com/winrar-for-mac-125813.html <---download winrar for Mac

http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Utilities/Compression_and_Zip_Fi... <---windows

Once installed, here's a how-to-video, it's in Windows but you'll get the point.

..you lost me at 'Iphone'..! Thanks, though.
I managed to destroy the guy's video and put it on the board. Found that, and some really boring NepSys welding videos on a memory stick, while clearing out. I might put the Welding ones up, but it's basically half an hour of Aussie welders on the Ninian South, er, welding. I don't know if the world really needs it...


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