our company is starting a new quay wall project 10m deep (foundation -13m) 5 wet blocks per stack approx 600 stackss   1.2km long we will have to do all the diving work (geotextile, stone foundation, agrigate screeding block placing,25m of scour rock going out from the wall and various video inspection) 100 ton base blocks using a 900 ton superlift from the shore duration of project is approx 1 year. I was wondering if any of you guys that have done something similar can give me an idea of the amount of divers it would take to safely deliver this project on schedule

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im not in the management side but management has asked us for some input with regard to personel and planning not sure yet if we going to need another team
been on a few similar jobs over the years, but never in the 'clever' seat! there's still a lot of variables, though- can you work day/night shift? is there enough/when will there BE enough seperation of works that you can run two teams alongside each other without getting in the way? will the client throw any Plant/material/shore side crew your way whenever you need it, or have you just got an alcoholic Irish crane driver and an Indian tea boy? shore or barge based? likelyhood of weather? Other downtime due to conflicting works?

I'm just throwing out some of the 'hidden' variables there, don't take my views as anything other than blather, but I reckon all things going perfect, 2-3 teams could get that done with a fair wind. (oh, and aim high- team would be 4man/5man, dedicated supervisor for co-ordinating everything, clear standby, and no ridiculous bottom times. we've all done it, but a decent diver will admit that after 2 or 3 hours, he's not performing as well as a fresh pair of hands, so if there's enough guys to rotate, no problem. also more divers get a day's work.)
doubt we will be doing a night shift seperation is usually a problem but the blocks should take a fair bit of time so hopefully we wont be on each others toes im thinking one team for foundation/geo one for agrigate screeding and one for blocks the company wants two teams but i dont think we can move the foundation fast enough as for the crane well the last operator took a while to learn the job well so i guess itll be the same here but this thing is apperently quite a beast so i cant see them giving us a b******* operator and mate belive me im def not in the clever seat on this just trying to learn as much as possible and make myself look good hahaha
we are taking a different approach to the screeding using either winches on a pulley system operated from surface of hydraulics opperated from the water wich means only one diver in the water not sure how accurate your levels will be using a pole and staff over that height it wouldnt take much deviation to give a false reading as for foundation we using 50-500 rock coverd with 10 - 60 kg rock beds three meters deep by 12 meters wide wich will have to be levelled by hand not using shutters for the agrigate just allowing extra rock foundation at the sides like the idea of using shimms but hopefully it wont come to that (big hopefully) how many blocks were you guys getting in per day and did you have much trouble doing fine ajustments on blocks that size

and for the record im just a diver / backup supervisor on this job if the bean counters f***ed up the costing thats their prob (but s*** rolls down hill)
as for the dredging approx 25% of the allocated area is dry land right now and the rest is only about 5m deep so they getting a f***off huge dredger to sort that out
yeah mike gremlins in the computor i really apreciate the input we just fin a job where the screeding was done by winches on surface but that was halfe the depth looks like we going for the hydraulic option with the power pack on a small barge on surface hopefully we will have a good support crew on the job but i guess we will just have to see who they give us I know it was a long time ago but can you remember how you were getting the agrigate down onto the foundation we thinking of using a floating hopper with a pipe


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