Trying to seal some steel formwork from the inside, that has has an upper edge above water level that is to be pumped dry for the concrete pour, we have some tidal movement ~0.5m and 1kt of current in a river. Tried Leakmaster to no success and some luck with lead wool and vanex (super fast setting cement) gap size varies from .5mm to 20mm around pylons. water temp 14C
Any Ideas???
Previous pier we had to pour under water then hydro blast it level for the steelworkers to install the reo. Want to streamline the next pours.

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cheers guys gonna make my job a hell of a lot easier now...
Use that stuff we always called it monkey s***. I think they use it to c**** up cracks in wooden boats. Pack it in tight with straighr shot screw driver. I have had good luck with it. AND it works even if the water is below 60 degress F. when splash zone wont. Are you going to fill in the form work with concrete?
something like tar i'm guessing? we tried that as well difucult to work with the tar was while diving. cheers for the input mate we finished the bridge piers last thursday, ended up doing a 9 cubic meter wet pour for the first 300mm to seal the formwork around the pylons, then the steel fixers and granos (concrete pourers) moved in and poured the last 25 cubic meters.
The first pier of 4 was done with 3 extra cubes ordered of grout (no fault of the divers must add though), which once surveyed when set was 50 to a 100mm too high and had to be hydro blasted out, but anyway holding onto that bull hose from the concrete pump truck was wild, while then trying to judge a level of concrete depth so that the other divers didnt have to spend all day to scree it level all in zero vis was an awesome experience.
tip of the day: when concrete pouring underwater tape up boots and gloves to wetsuit and use s***loads of barrier cream especially on the face if using a halfmask and scuba or risk looking like a herpes surffering sandstorm survivour with lesions on booty zip and wetsuit cuff locations.
anyways, after setting up scaffolding as scree rails off the upper edge of the form work and timing concrete trucks to 30 intervals, plus surveying the concrete wet and sacking the leading hand that informed us of a 50mm tolerance in levels, we completed the contact under budget.

pics of one of the completed piers with columns and the bridge sliding across the river on bearings should be attached.

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