Hey all, 
I'm a recent grad of Marine Dive Tech and really appreciate all the info I've gotten from your posts and discussions in the past. I've got my home and financial issues ironed out and am ready to hit this career full steam. I imagine I'll be working in the gulf- seems like oil clients have the big money to help reach my potential. That bieng said I've looked into  other aspects of the career and have found good info on different career paths and skill sets. The one field I'm having a hard time finding info on is renewable energy in the marine environment. I'm talking wind turbines, wave and current energy etc. I've seen the pictures and heard of other countries investing millions into large installations. I can't seem to find which companies are hiring the monkey at the end of the hose to intall this technology. Where are these projects taking place? Are there companies that solely do this or are they just hiring any capable dive company? Perhaps most importantly- how would I or another diver get their foot in the door?

Thanks for any input.


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I have no idea how the renewable market is overseas, but it's big business in Europe just now. There's a variety of Diving companies that get involves, such as HSSE, RED7, Northern Divers, Baltic Divers, a few more in Denmark, Germany and Holland.
It seems that many of these companies require job-specific tickets such as Rigging, Rope Access, Confined Space, or Tower Climbing so they can send the Divers to do other stuff when there's no diving to be done. Seems to be mainly pulling Cables up through j-tubes and matting/bagging etc.

As for wave and Tidal energy, it's still very much in the experimental research stage. There's a 'marine testing park' in the Orkney Islands where a lot of these different systems are tested, but I don't see much coming into the mainstream. Leask Marine do most of the support diving for that.

Look up these companies online, and follow the threads and you should find out what you want to know, but I have to say that Oil price dipping has a knock on effect throughout the industry. Offshore divers that can't find work will push put inexperienced divers working on windfarms, and so it goes..

Killer info Stuart, I'm looking into them now. Thanks for the input!


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