The Commercial Diver Network
I am a newly qualified commercial diver living in England, i have recently completed my HSE surface supplied, HSE SCUBA and HSE surface supplied wet bell top up, as well as first aid and Kirby morgan user/operator certificate. I was wandering if anyone could help me with some advice. I want to get my B.O.S.I.E.T and 3.1 inspection tickets to help my chances of getting regular work. However until then i need to be earning, as well as getting on job experience under my belt, obviously i didnt expect to fall into a job (i have some money set aside), but its now been 3 weeks of solid CV sending and phone calls to everything from small civils companies to large inshore&offshore companies, and the best i have had back is 'we will keep your info on file and let you know if anything suitable come available'.
I would appreciate any advice that will help me find work in these first few months.
This worked for me. The dive company I decided I wanted to work for was here in Texas. Schaefer Diving. I asked ops manager for office I wanted to work for if there was job ongoing in area I could watch for educational purposes. Had ship repair job at local docks ongoing. I showed up in work clothes and PPE's and went to work. The guys on job thought I was an employee. I busted ass that day for over 16 hrs for free. Showed up next day ready to work and told supervisor I was not employee but had applied. He called the office and told them to put me on payroll and sent one slacker home.
Martin was right on the mark.
With my outfit the CVs were stacked up in a basket.
The guys who showed up wanting a job and ready for work were the guys that I hired.
Showing up on a regular basis tells me you are committed , and that's the hands I hired.
Hi, appreciate the advice Stuart. And yes i did think that turning up and working for free would have some sort of health & safety/ insurance implications, Although i have no problem working for little money in order to get some working logged dives under my belt. Do you have any advice on getting legitimate work or is it just CV's and phone calls until i catch a break.
Yea I have some advise for you. Don't ever show up saying you'll work for free or little money. What you want to become a whore or a professional diver? The only reason your even considered is because some contractor needs to get something done. You didn't hear that dive school duck its prices when you walked thru the door did you?
If your qualified get paid as a professional Diver for filling that opening and need not some pansy nervous nelli or nedd. You paid what $20,000 to $30,000 to become a commercial diver and you want to work for Free or less- I'll let you decide if you really want to be the Professional Diver or not. Once you bend over they never want to let you stand up again. Ace Parnell
Good advice, and i have no intention of working for free, i have a loan to pay off. Im just looking for a way to get my foot in the door that doesn't involve sitting at a computer or by a phone waiting for a break. Im not the type that can sit round and wait, i have to be doing something, i almost booked my dmt for next week just so i wasnt sitting around. I am going to be a diver, nothing is going to stop that, just want to be working asap.
I don't mean for anybody to work for free. The 1 day I did it without authorization would have been a big mess if I had been hurt. I took a risk and it payed off that time.
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