Due to the fall out from a marrage split I'm having to jetterson some of .....as my ex would call it divers junK!!!
I've got a pile of old diving stuff, kit, books, bandmasks helmets.... It's got me in a bit of a tail spin as my contract is in delay on project works and the civils side has dropped off (time of year) so I'm selling the family seat (Chateu Greenwood !!) along with bits n bobs to keep the ex in the life style she's been accustomed .
I've a bunch of… Continue
Posted on February 1, 2010 at 11:01pm — 3 Comments
I need a job in the sun....... That was the thought that entered my head at 2 am this morning!!! It was still swimming around (you know what it's like...a bad tune you can't stop whistling) so I decided to get up check out cDiver be for going for my morning run.
The work has dropped off, been on the beach with Divex in Aberdeen Scotland. the project I was on has slipped alittle so I've time to kill for a month, currently on standy for Grampian Diving in Scotland but civils is quiet… Continue
I'm seeking out any of my old Dive Mates from the Professional Dive Academy CDC17, I'm now working with Divex based in Aberdeen Scotland, working on the latest Sat Systems. I contacted Lemons this week and he's living on the west coast of Scotland, so I'm going to make a point of seeing him, I'm at my girls in Crieff Pershire at the moment....
Hey william,
You Shouldnt have any problems in dive work here in florida.All types of dive companies except no oil rigs or platforms if thats what your use too. Water is usally pretty nice "warm". What can I say Just depends what company you work for to determine type of work. Lauderdale has 2-3 big dive co. that are into ships salvage and there are a couple other that are more into construction diving. anyway I live about hour & half drive north of Ft Lauderdale. Email me @ rjackson1970@hotmail.com if you want some more info.
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You Shouldnt have any problems in dive work here in florida.All types of dive companies except no oil rigs or platforms if thats what your use too. Water is usally pretty nice "warm". What can I say Just depends what company you work for to determine type of work. Lauderdale has 2-3 big dive co. that are into ships salvage and there are a couple other that are more into construction diving. anyway I live about hour & half drive north of Ft Lauderdale. Email me @ rjackson1970@hotmail.com if you want some more info.