New toy new toy new toy

I have a new Stanley GR29 grinder.


Having had a practise run as you do on the surface and had no problem at all.

 it cut like hell, i was realy pleased but!!!


We are cutting 15mm thick H beams on the seabed in zero vis after pressing the trigger the first time.


It’s a good deal harder than anticipated after the play at the surface.


1/ the 1st  problem the discs kept on slipping on the spindle.

Reason, the nut did not screw down enough, we have now sorted this, by having the nut machined off a thou of an inch perfect.


2/ we start the cut @20ltrs/min then slowly increase  to 25/30ltrs/min but it is almost impossible to hold for more than a few minutes.


Any tips for me as I am busting a gutt after about 90minutes I am wrecked.


Steve h

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Build a jig to attach the grinder to. connect the jig to lower portion of H-Beam.
If you have to airlift, Educt, or jet a h*** to set the jig so your cut off point is a grade you want.
you can attach a jig with all thread bolts, ratchet straps etc.
with a jig your cut will be square.
Use brain not brawn.
Hi Steve

I exactly know what you're talking about. Last year we had a job where we had to cut +100 steel coroded M16 bolts with our grinder on 1 day. Once the machine started spinning it wouldn't stay in place and started to hover up and down due to the rpm. Extremely dangerous! It was shallow and we still had a bit of viz. I also manage to lock my feet and push my hat against something so I was stable enough to do the job. Then I'd place the disk against the bolt, put light pressure on it so it doesn't jump up, and then start it instead of starting it and then move towards it like Leatherface (nearly cut my own harness). It's against manufacturer recommendations I think but at least you work "kinda" safe.
If you can't wrap your legs around something, try 4lbs footweights and some extra on the vest. If that doesn't work... attach the cutter to a piece of H-beam or heavy pipe with cargostraps. Then let the weight of the beam or pipe do the cutting. Could work on the bottom... Good luck
Question were you using a grinding disc or a cutting disc ?
Cutting disk, grinder would take even longer. Sry for the mixup
i have tried a number of things one being increase my lead by 20lbs this helped but then of course now i am sinking into the seabed little by little.
so i got a sheet of steel plate to kneel on.
i have had no problem starting the cut, as i said above 3/4 throttle on the powerpack and 20ltrs to start then once in the groove increase the the flow rate to increase the cutting speed this is the bit thats killing me.
we will have a go with cargo straps later as we are cutting into the web now so we are cutting 30mm of steel at one go, when it jumps on this am i glad its on a trigger release.
try a masonary disk apparently they work well on steel underwater
yes some one mentioned this to me but they were not sure and anyway i have all the steel discs i need now or at least i hope so
Just remember,


A major GOM company found this out the hard way. They also did extensive testing after the fact.
I don't know the circ**stances of your job, but the title of this thread and content could catch out a NFG that just doesn't know. Let's try to stop repeating history.
we are just cutting H beams.

i all my books cutting with a disc is classified as cold cutting.

so could you explain a little more please for future ref.

Put the cutting disc on and lets get the thing cut. My God we could talk this thing to death. Steve thanks for all of your input you and Fred are on it.
Ace, that is just the Old-School attitude that keeps getting divers dead these days. I despise writing JSAs as much as the next guy, but your attitude is just wrong.
So Mike I'm all ears whats missing here? How many divers were killed with cutting a H beam ? The tool has a safety guard and a handle were not cutting into a pipe were talking H beam underwater. Whats missing ? I have not heard of any divers being killed grinding under these conditions but I do understand what your saying about the direction of the attitude. Please tell me more.


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