so the only thing more common than divorces in a group of divers is the flash they wear around their wrist.

the sea dweller is iconic but it doesnt stand alone... so ladies gentleman lets see/hear what your wearing and where you vote lies

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invicta reserve chronographe 500,sea dweller way to flashy!
you worried about being flashy?

yeah !i meen the name
Boys just so you know a Rolex Sea Dweller will make bail.
Not much chance of another watch doing that.
My Sea Dweller is over 30 years old and still keeps on ticking and worn everyday.
It is also recognized by Internal Revenue as a deductable tool cost on your tax's.
So you have a choice a tax receipt or a tool of the trade (Rolex)
Flashy is wearing a fake.
fred i agree to a certain point(making bail)hahahahaha,goooood one.what im trying to say i seen a lot of people wearing seadwellers most of them office boys!by the way my invicta is noyt the 1 on the pic its the biiig 1,50 mm around half a kg
bsafe all
I love my 40yr old Rolex Sub Mariner that I paid $112.00 for in 1970 but hardly wear it anymore as I got real tired of having to take it to the jewler and pay fees of (back then) $50 to have it re oiled, now I understand they charge $250 each time to re oil it.
After it flooded several times I replaced the old flooded guts with guts from a fake Rolex. So now its affordable on the inside and orginal on the outside much better-Now I can enjoy spending that extra money I saved at the bar-I love being a diver.
Since the price of new Sea Dwellers is about $8K I would say the office boys are wearing fakes. which fits them to a T.
Also if your stuck and need an airline ticket fast ,you can pawn a Rolex for real money to get out of town when her husband is looking for you with a colt.
the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Like you have to workout with weights to wear one.
fred man i never thought about it like that?s*** i got to get 1
I like my Citizen Aqualand Analog. Measures depth. Only $250 in Puerto Rico, no tax there. But for keeping time, the good ol casio gshock. A Rolex is for getting laid in a bar.
I guess thats what people who dont own a Rolex say when they see us score.
Personally I like my Del Mar divers watch it has kind of a Rolex styling look to it but a working mans affordability its from waterfronts catalogue and is only $80.00 works for me.
flip flops, cutoffs and oily shirt with Rolex and a glass of scotch will get you laid.
Casio all you can do with that is sit in the truck in the parking lot and hope for the best.
hahahahaha awesome^^^^^^


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