Info on Recommendations for New Coast Guard Diving CFR's

For those of you that are interested this web site will let you read what is being recommended and by who.


You will note that the ADCI still wants no one responcible but the Dive Sup..


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In light of the current tragic events, the eyes of the nation and the world are now turned to the GOM and the oil industry. You have the spotlight at this moment now you have the opportunity to present your platform and concerns to those with the authority to act.
Now the door is opened. I am little more than an old recreational diver who was the father of a commercial diver, that door is opened but I need those of you that what change to assist. Twelve years ago I challenged the Coast Guard with two goals in mind. One clear the name of a Man no longer capable of defending himself and then to point out the need for new, enforceable regulations.
We need a concerned group of divers to join me in Washington D.C.
Peter Pilkington -

Keep me on your list as i want to make some changes happen. I'll pass personal information via a different forum. We should talk. Where are you located?
Still here in Seattle, Washington
Attached please find the USCG recommendations that came out of the Cliffs 12 investigation. Should you be interested in the" Rest of The Story" let me know I just finished writing the book and included many of the photos some of the divers have sent in. Thanks
Well all the stirring crap seems to be doing some good. Thanks to Jim McDermott of the House the Coast Guard is not going to just except the behind closed door suggestions of the NOSAC Diving Subcommittee. They last recommendations from 2008 is attached. It list all members. I don't see anyone that has run or made a dive in the last 20 years on the list.

So let me recap what they where up to. Have everything to the Coast Guard before publishing the ADCI Standards. Make the Standards conform to what they had already given to the Coast Guard. NO SUPERVISIORS OR DIVERS INVOLVED. Get it all passed with no fuss.
Most fail to realize, that though the ADC "ACTS" as our voice, the Coast Guard is our best ally, (sorry, my spelling sucks today as usual) the ADC IS NOT a government organization, and can be overridden, and even shut down when merit is given to those who point out their misconseptions and errored rules. They are a "GUIDELINE, NOT THE LAW". IF someone starts this group (of by Divers for Divers) you guys are talking about, send me an app, Id like to be the first to sign up. Dale is right as are all of you, Ive also been on jobs where the guy running the show was an idiot! Experience not "who-ya-blow " should descide whos in charge on deck... Keep me posted, Im definately interested in this group formation.

I will be quite for awhile on this subject. There has been an offer made to do this the right way. So we will see if the powers that be decide this is for the best. Everyone now has access to the new review proccess by the Coast Guard. We can thank Peter that we have the tools.
Good work John.


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