Info on Recommendations for New Coast Guard Diving CFR's

For those of you that are interested this web site will let you read what is being recommended and by who.


You will note that the ADCI still wants no one responcible but the Dive Sup..


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Thiis PDF was from a working Diver/Supervisior
Guys go to the bottom of the page. You will note there 12 pages there. Go to page #12 you will find the latest recommendations. Play with it a while and you will find that even you can leave a comment.
Marty Morris and I tried to get a group of us together several years ago, so we as diver could have a voice in matters as such. We had a lot of responce but nobody wanted to "Get involved" Maybe its time to try it agian? This just shows how easy it is for the ADC to railroad those of us in the industry! If nobody is willing to standup to the ADC then nobody should complain when this crap is passsed!
I no longer have a dog in this fight but I still would like to see the correct revisions to the CFR and that would not just be what the ADC would like. Lets put a group together

That page will let you post your comments and send you an update when anyone post. Page 12 is the latest comments. Play around with it you will figure it out.
We attempted to set up such an organization 12 years ago called the CDSO Commercial Diving Safety Organization. A place dedicated to promoting a safer underwater work place starting by writing a set of CFR's with teeth. We got as far as a formal investigation and recommendations endorsed by the Commandant. Few if any divers participated in fear of being black balled, yes it did exist, Without proper regulation there can be no enforcement.. The USCG has asked for comments, stand up, get together or continue to be underpaid and overworked at best, dead at worst. Move this topic to the top of the page and keep it there, its your life

I have been here through 5 Revisoions of the ADC this one will not be useless. We have the tools to make our voice heard.

I am part of a group that was put together, all people currently working offshore, Divers, Supervisiors and Superintendents. It is set up to review and comment on the ADCI Revision 6 suggestions.

My company has no problem with what I am doing but everyone does not work for my Company. So it is NOT open or public. I posted this url so everyone even those that don't like what I say, or the ADCI says knows where to go to comment for the up coming CFR changes. If the ADCI does a good job, I'll support it, if not I'll fight it. I would suggest you put together a small group of people you trust and work to get the Revision 6 right.

The ADCI says we are welcome:

Part of Phil Newsum’s reply to my last Roat Deal
“Finally, the term “Stakeholder” refers to anyone and everyone within the industry that has a “Stake” in its operation. It is not exclusive to oil Companies and contractors. Also included would be regulatory agencies, (such as the USCG and OSHA), as well as diving personnel. “

Of course they are not telling us when or how.
I can count several times in the past that I my self and others have tried to get people intrested in this but most will talk the talk but will not walk or run with it!! the problem is in my opion is they feel its a union! when it is not We as Divers both inland offshore and so on need to stand up for what we feel is right not what "they feel" is right! give me a e-mail and I'll send you the info
One PDF is the rules for submitting Comment to the CFR Committee. The other is IMCA excepting an invitation to comment for the new CFR's , that should scar the crap out of us all. They have written the biggest circle talk mean nothing limit diving doc**ent on earth no lets go for universe. Yes I worked myself through their (IMCA) over reaching suggestions.
All the old Comments have been cleared from the web sight. There are no recommendations currently posted. It appears that Coast Guard is getting ready for the new round. ADCI has again said they are almost ready to submit their recommendations to the Board of Directors of the ADCI. Phil Newsum stated that Tenders Divers and Supervisors are Stake Holders Quote Phil “Finally, the term “Stakeholder” refers to anyone and everyone within the industry that has a “Stake” in its operation. It is not exclusive to oil Companies and contractors. Also included would be regulatory agencies, (such as the USCG and OSHA), as well as diving personnel.” That means we have 90 days to review and comment to the ADCI, they will then review and except only what their membership will. I believe the ADCI, IMCA and OGP have all ready decided what they will recommend jointly to the Coast Guard or are in the process of doing so. To the Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) credit they have been soliciting the opinion of working divers and Supervisors.

The attached letter is like many that were submitted the last time the CFRs were up for suggestion and revision. In other words: Most Member Companies will recommend that the ADCI Standards be excepted AS IS, by the Coast Guard. So I’m ready and would suggest that anyone that gives a crap be ready as well. The only things posted are: Down loadable PDFs of what is up for review and the rules of submission. I do regret that they did not choose to involve WORKING Divers and Supervisors from the get go.

A note to Diving Management; If it were me, I would have my divers and supervisors poring over this doc**ent. People who have not made a dive in years, some who have never run a surface dive Air or Gas are writing the suggestions for surface diving.


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