so with all the dive school interest, and these economic times... whaddya say boys lets start our own?

looks like the schools are making more money than anybody else.

lets buy an ADC cert and call ourselves; cda... no thats taken, hmmm... how about college of overspending... nope that wont do, flotsam corp... no not enough of a ring to it... any suggestions?

instuctors please apply at your nearest subsitence office, application process may take as long as...(*unreadable small print)

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Did You review the NY Times Article?

Trade Schools Are VERY PROFITABLE!


More Profitable than a diving company and You do not have to chase customers.

When would You like to start the First Course?


Joseph ~ ⎷⎛⎝⎛
when the first cheque clears.
no no there is some risk.
Gov cheque's don't bounce
Gov checks can't bounce because when they run out of money they just make more! I'm in on this project!
Sweet! ill teach the class "whore's" 101, and for the more advanced students "whores 201" as well as "napping" and "advanced PSP usage"
That's all funny s*** right there! F***ing dive school, what a joke. That's probably the most retarded thing I've witnessed in my short life. So if anyone wants to go to my school of Roofing, I call it " S*** On A Shingle" and its sponsored by thr labor unions. Pure s***. If you wanna apply, call 360-314-5117


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