Hey all,

12 year Navy vet looking to get into the commercial diving industry. I started out looking at schools in the states, it seemed that international certification may have been lacking, not sure as there are so many global standards and every country has a finger in the pie so to speak. While in the navy I was a Sonarman on Subs, spent some time at the SEAL Delivery Vehicles Team 1. I have experience with life support systems and ROV's ( especialy the Sonar / Electronics side). I know this by no means gives me any knowledge about what I am looking to get into. I simply stated this so everyone can see I have a background in the Commercial diving industry and know that I want to get into this. What I miss most about the Navy is the trips away from home with the boys out there to get a job done. This is what appeals to me about becoming a commercial diver. I want a job where i'm on a rotation 3 months away and 2 weeks or a month home. I understand not all diving jobs are like that , but there are some like that. I'm looking too attend the Canadian Working Divers Institute as it seems they offer the most certification and i'll be able to work the North Sea right out of the gates. Is this correct? Has anyone got good or bad things to say about CWDI? Any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated. I'm a squid and always will be, I have to stay in a community like this as I just don't fit in anywhere that doesn't have any mariners. Thanks

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i went there and it was good, you will probably fit right in.

just don't forget there's a lot of fish in the sea.

You where in the US Navy?

Look into the Helmets to Hardhat Program.

You will get training and be PAID and be in a UNION, not pay for training.

See URL;



~ Joseph ~

It was the US Navy. I will definitely look into helmets to hardhats. Have browsed before but was uncertain if they could help get me into the Commercial Diving Communtiy. Thanks again for the advice.

Got out in November 2007. Miss it pretty bad too! Were you in as well?
You can always re enlist and go to dive school in the Navy if you qualify that is.
Although I miss the Navy, theres more reasons not to go back then there are to go. Obama being number #1, kinder-gentler hug the nubs is #2, cinderella liberty for 1st Cla**** and CPO's is another. I don't like the direction the Navy is headed and don't want to be part of the melt-down. I did my time, trained my relief and cut out looking to start a life as a normal guy. Thanks for the input, I do appreciate it, it's just not a viable option for me.

FLYNN. Don't wanna fly. Don't wanna sit in a box while everyone else works. I have more time repairing ROV's than I do flying them, just not a fun job. I know there is nothing sexy about this line of work, but it's what I want to do. This is where I will feel like i'm earning my money every day. Don't want a job that evreyone and there brother does! ASDS is still funded, just had a bad fire and not operational for some time to come. Still got buddies there. I do know funding has been cut for hulls 2 -6. Once they get hull 1 operating again and get a good mission or two under it's belt the money will follow. This thing beats the s*** out of the SDV's, operator-wise, as the fellas aren't in the water nearly as long. Also don't want the hassle of maintaining a Security clearance anymore. As I said I just want to do something that I can have fun with and enjoy doing, and also feel like I accomplished something everyday. Thanks for the advice I may just apply anyway and see if I can't get "helped" into a dive school anyway. Either way I appreciatte everyones input, don't mean to sound picky , but this is what I want to do. I'm sure you fellas understand.
Roger, Roy ,Dale & Trigger good luck you will find your way. HooHa.


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