I was just wondering what the average time was for a new diver to actually become a "diver." I know it depends on you attitude, how you work, shut your mouth and listen, no excuses, etc. I just want to know how long it took YOU. It's more of a pole then a question. Thanks

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3 yrs
Great question Dakota. I just posted the same poll on our homepage and created a new "Polls" page with all of our recent polls on it.

Check it out here: Commercial Diving Polls
You shouldn't dwell on how long it takes. It can be dependent on many factors, such as workload, and just being in the right place at the right time. I have known good divers that broke out in months, and good divers that tended for 4 years or more. I have also seen divers break out too soon, then get run-off when they can't perform.
I tended for two years.
it's not so much a dwell i just thought it would be interesting to hear from people out in the field. Thanks for the input.
2 years 7 months
2 years...
still waiting been 18 months
Three years for me. Breaking out to soon can be a kiss of death. Just because one company might break you out doesn't mean the next company will recognize you as a diver. Keep up with your log book, it will make a big difference when bouncing to another company. Get the contact info on your supervisors for references.
still tending 1 Years 5 months..
I had a 4 year apprenticeship.
I'm still waiting bud!, been almost a year now!


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