Looking for work. I have about 14 years of experience but right now the Co. I am working for is extremely SLOW. Looking for a Co. that has plenty of work and is hiring. Does anyone have any info.?
You're not alone. I had some family issues that kept me in California for a while and now that I'm free to find work, I'm not even getting a nibble. It's time to get a stadium full of indians and them have all do a raindance all at the same time 'cause it'll take another Katrina to generate work nowadays. But don't let me get you down. I'm new to the industry so my problems aren't the same as yours. Best of luck.
Thanks Phil,
That is really strange that a tender, new to the industry, can't find work. This really worries me. A Lot! Well, keep trying and try Aqueous (I think that is how it is spelled) or Sea Quest in Houston. They might give you a chance.
Sea quest is slow at the moment but i think they might be hiring just broke out a few guys. Seamar is working ok I here and Ive heard rumore epic is pretty busy.
Yeh I'm not sweatin it James Ive got the ole lady winnin the bread plus texas is payin me almost 2 grand a month to sit on my ass, but yeh Ive made mroe money everytime ive made a move but damn this is the third company ive worked for to go under.
wow. posts like this get me really worried. im supposed to grad from d.a.i. right b4 xmas. i quit a good payin job ( that i hated) to come do something i enjoy and now im hearing from alot of people that its really really slow here too. any hints for a new diver to find something, especially offshore?
well am a new diver as well but do not let it worry u the work and the oil companies every1 will be back in buss. by 2010 it just needs time
the economy is a factor in our work starters and mid 2010 it will be fine and all will be back in bussniess
dont sweat people still need oil and they will need oil for some time to come i think this situation is a result of banks who finance these projects tightening the noose but whatever we dont do this year well have to do next year bottom line when you are makin money dont be poartying like a rockstar i had to learn that lesson the hard way but i was ready for it when it hit this time.