I'm looking to become a Commercial Diver. How much is the difference in pay between inland and offshore, and which would be best for raising a family? Also I've read some forums that say you could possibly lose fingers/limbs, but on the other hand (no pun intended) with the new safety measures it's nearly impossible to get hurt. Sorry if this is kinda a lame question I'm looking to go to DIT and want to know as much as I can about commercial diving. thanks for the help.

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if you cross the street next to the grocery store is it more dangerous then crossing it next to a coffee shop
Work both. When the offshore work is slow, freelance inland. Most inland companies will need you to have your own gear, so save up some money and buy a used hat and bailout. Working inland means you do it all, tend, dive, drive the truck, clean the gear. Offshore you will be a hose choker for a few years, but the pay is better because of the overtime. I prefer offshore because of the pay and time off between jobs. When working inland, your pay will vary because of prevailing wages and unions, plus most small inland companies don't offer health insurance. After about 5 years in the business you'll know where you belong and have a log book to prove your salt, then you can choose where you want to work instead of taking anything available. Over seas is good, but not good on a family man. Lack of communication and the dangers of getting kidnaped or killed by rag heads is a big problem. Get a TWIC card and see a doctor before you go to school, if you can't get a TWIC it will limit your options, same with a Passport. If you have an unknown medical condition, then you wasted your time and money on school. Check out some other dive schools. DIT is good, but Young Memorial in Morgan City is cheap and quick. The Canadian schools are also cheap, so is that inland school up north. I think it's in Wisconsin. After a few years, you might want to go to an IMCA approved school in Europe, then you'll have a lot of options. Hope these words help, good luck pup.
offshore = money
inland = eviction from home
The TWIC advice is good, but your statements that "with the new safety measures it's nearly impossible to get hurt" is misguided thinking. Safety measures neither cause nor prevent injuries and accidents, but rather people do. "It can't happen to me" is the wrong attitude and I have seen that manifest itself as Lethal Arrogance (e.g. people died as a result of this kind of thinking.)... okay, I'll step off the soapbox now.

As for Inland/ Offshore, it's okay to go both ways-- only ignorant people who haven't will tell you otherwise. It is, however, beneficial if you start out offshore, break out, and dive for at least a couple of years. Offshore experience should instill some good habits when it comes to diving operations, give you more working days, and experience with deep diving, chambers, etc.
pick a new career,,,,not being a smart ass there are more divers and tenders than there is work, dit is a great school the best in my opinion,i checked out all the other schools first and desided on them, but anyway you will be another guy b*******ted by a school to get ur money and find theres no work.

as far as inland to offshore i do both inland is has more danger involved because your only working in three or 4 man teams you hve to know how to think on your feet.offshore you have tons of people on deck to assist you,pay veries weather your union or not, and if its day rate or hrly.

tender pay sucks no matter inland or offshore.
good luck


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