ok so i know you guys probably get this alot but the last post i read about this was an old post.
I have a 4 year college degree plus many years of cla**** in the health field and health experience with a couple of certs in the health field. I'm just not happy in the health field, of course the jobs are there and everyone wants to go to school to be a nurse but i can tell you that its probably the hardest job I've ever had and its not for everyone. Which leads me to commercial diving, I've always wanted to do something in diving and i figure with my 4 year college degree i could maybe do something else on the down time or while paying my dues. either maybe work towards dive master and work at a dive shop or clean boats.
My question is there work in the gulf, i'm looking at attending the school in houston tx ocean corp i think its called. I'm hoping that maybe i can do work inland tx or out in the gulf.
I think with the recent economy and how things havent changed much that there will be a need for commercial divers, fixing bridges and new drilling in the gulf. I'm i right?
What do commercial divers do on there down time such as work, do they have other careers as well?
I know i always have my nursing to fall back on if i really have to plus my B.A in communications as well but diving has always been in my blood.
Can you make a decent living in commercial diving?
Hows the family life as a commercial diver, can you stay around the area? my future wife is a surgeon and we do just fine, its me that has a free spirit always wanting to do something with diving, either as a dive master or commercial diving or both.
any help would be helpful right now
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You really gotta love the water to do this. It is really hard on your family for you to be offshore alot. Your pay is gonna suffer drastically for a few years until you break out as a diver and get it going. You are going to be working with a bunch of egotistical a******s that do not deserve to be egotistical. You will work extremely long hours. You will be so exhausted that you will have to drink coffie just to get the energy to fall asleep. But damn I sure love this job.
Thx dawn i will look into that, is there schools that offer that in TX? I've thrown around the commercial diver thing for awhile now, but My future wife would kill me if i was gone for weeks. And thanks martin for the advice, I have worked with lots of egotistical doctors that think they know it all when it comes to meds but forget about their patients, which is up to us as a nurse. I've been in the field as a nurse for awhile and quickly burning out fast, doesnt even matter if i switch depts. But i will look into hyperbaric technician, sounds interesting i wonder if that field is in demand?
If your wife to be would kill you if you were gone for weeks, then definitely, offshore diving is not for you. To start and succeed as a tender requires a life-changing commitment. My first year (many years ago) I worked offshore 311 days. After 20 years in the business, I try to keep it below 180 days, for my family's sake.
With your background, hyperbaric medicine is the way to go. The market for Life Support Techs (they run the chambers and mix the gas for saturation diving) is getting a little crowded, and they spend weeks at a time offshore, too. You might want to look up Dr. Keith Van Meter at West Jefferson Hospital in New Orleans. He is the go-to-man in the industry.
Mike is right. Even with a busy In-land, near shore whatever you want to call it dive company. You will still be away from the family....It takes years to get to the point of making a good wage and busy enough to make it.(American Dream) House,kids,white picket fence. If your educated do something else.....
this s*** ain't for you bro
yeah man, commercial diving isn't for you. it is it's own career and you have to be committed and dedicated to it. it's not some part time job or something you can do whenever you want. although if you try to make it that way like some others do, you'll get run off and starved out. do what dawn said, look into hyperbarics and stick with scuba.
In response to you question about inland work. I am in potable water here is Texas and I am gone 5 days a week. So even if you decide to stay "local" you will still be gone alot. My wife is lucky enough to be use to it since I was deployed alot in the military. If your future misses wants you home you wont find it here either.


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