Does anyone have a good consumables list I can get? Trying to build a budget for an Army Guard dive unit, want to make sure I don't forget anything. Like radio batteries, duct tape, gloves, etc.

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Ethan, thanks; for now we're good on money. Our problem is, anything we don't anticipate and fund ahead of time is really hard to get. So, I'm looking for a list of things commonly used in diving so we can make sure we have everything.
consumable list is dependant of the job you are doing. Think of what you will be doing and list everything you could possibly need.
contact me at
I will dig thru my stuff. I should have several. Where are you based? I am in Texas also.
Thanks Martin! I'll e-mail you. We're in Corpus Christi. Where are you?
dont forget rope!
For what you're looking for, you'll get a better answer from the school in Panama City or a unit like MDSU-2 in Virginia Beach. I'm sure MDSU-2 has a good fly-away list and could probably provide NSNs for every item on it.
David, that's a great idea. I've asked some of the Army units, but they have enough money lying around they don't need to plan it out. They just buy it. I'll try the MDSU.
Hey what are you are you looking for in general? As you know that every job is different. I could see what a shallow package goes into detail? What kind of jobs do you guys do? That might help with what you need.

Well just be safe. Later Troy Gerken
Hey Troy, we do shallow work, no deeper than 190 and usually a lot shallower. Light salvage, CVI, jetting and burning are the major tasks beside the recon and demo stuff.
Depending on what the mission (job) is dictates what you will need. For light salvage rope, shackles, burning rods, straps, and cables. Take a two extra torch heads but fours time as many of the guts for it. (Washers, screens, collards, etc). As far as consumables for jetting, "Bring more People" LOL!


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