What brand of mic is everybody using to replace the loud Kirby Morgan mic in your 77? The only one I've heard of is the OTS mic but you have to have the complete setup mic and speakers.

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You do not have to replace the speakers with the OTS speakers but its a good Idea.

Gorski Helmet uses the OTS coms. The best I have seen yet. They are waterproof and you only have to buy them once. Did you ever think to turn down the Tender volume so the mic is not to loud??

As you  know volume is controlled by the divers radio.

If you turn the volume down then the supervisor can't hear you talk. The breathing is what's so loud. I have the OTS mic but not the speakers. When I have the OTS mic hooked up your voice is way to muffled. On the OTS website is says you have to use the complete setup. KM parts are not compatible with OTS. And just so you all know I have no problem with the KM comm set. It's the supervisors that hate it. They either put a coffee cup or duct tape over the speaker on the comm box cause the breathing is ear piercing loud.

The Boys from Veolia were epoxying Miller Mics in I believe Gatorade caps and using those. They said they sound and hold up better in the wet.


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