Hoping someone can give me some advice. Currently on the brink of starting a commercial diving coarse in the uk. Wanting to get into inshore diving and then possibly offshore. I'm 35 and pretty fit but its been suggested to me that i may already be to old. Is this the case and will i have trouble finding work because of this. Am i wasting my time?

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Not too old.  I know guys in their 60s still diving.  I'm fixing to to turn 46 and still hating up.  Go for it.

I've seen plenty of guys make it starting at that age, its all about if you really want to go for it, sacrifices must be made but I think it was worth it for me. I'm 34 now and been diving for 12 years, I have no regrets of dropping my old life, my girlfriend, my friends and moving to the Gulf.


Its a good idea while in school to get other certs that may be available, my NDT cert I never used can get me a good job if I get bent up like a pretzel. Or welding skills/certs, year before last my HAZMAT cert got me a high position in the BP oilspill cleanup when I didn't want to dive in that cesspool they made. There are a lot of options that open up when your diving career come grinding to a hault. You can also become a worm office puke at a deep sea diving company!

You are never too old to learn or work brother.

I started school at 36.....been working ever since.....it IS definately a young man's game though. Good luck and be ready to be faster, smarter and a better listener than the guys 10 years younger..your gonna need it!

Thanks guys that was just the response i was hoping i was gonna get. I'm all over it now!

Well buddy, I'm 57 and dive from 14 years old, just had one AVC and two heart attacks, make one cirugy of Bypass, weight 230  and still diving and making babies!!!!! dont worry what is important if you can do the job , in time and with technik, can cutt, can weld, can blok h***s on a ship, can blust? if you can , go a head.



No i don't feel old in fact i'm fitter now than when i was in my twentys and believe me mate i know all about pinching the pennys i guess its just gonna be a case of if you want something bad enough and your willing to work your nuts off for it then why the hell not!

Hi Tim,

I am 64 and have been diving for 50 years. I am still diving and have lived a interesting and busy life. I have been Miltary, Commercial and recreational diving. The secret is to know your limitations and boundaries and keep to them. I published my autobiography 3 years ago, {Five Bells ~ Job Done, A Divers Story; (available from Fivebells@live.com) ]Sorry about the cheap plug!  But its something to make it to old age and have a story to tell. I have just Returned from the Oman on a dive expedition looking for precious cargos, so there is still much you can do and offer. Just remember that you should know the things you are good at and capable of. I wish you luck in your quest, age is just a number.  Best wishes. 

Hi Tony,

Just wanted to thank you and everyone else who posted for your words of encouragement and advive. I start my coarse on the 10 aug just booked it today so there is no going back now. Oh and i'm gonna order your book lol.


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