I am currently attending Diver's Academy Int. to become a commercial diver, I am looking to become a nuke diver. My question is "how do I go about it? What companies do it and what prerequisites for doing it?"

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UCC dose alot of the nuke work, also try S G Penny or Underwater Engineering out of Florida. As far a prereq's graduating from dive school, and a fairly clean criminal record is about all you need.
Thank you for the info
I went stright to UCC in CT after DAI. They do alot of nuke plant work. That is thier bread and butter, you have to do about a week of computer based trainning at one of the nuke plants. FME, Hazardous waste contamination, confined space... that sort of thing, you also have to be a certified uderwater welder to do the inside workon the reactor floor. All the new guys work on the outside. Sucking mud or power washing the trash racks.Then there is the badging process just to get on the the nuke facility, more CBT. They could not keep me busy, only worked when they called for help. Usually no work in the summer! Either way good luck! Its tough out here getting a job that will pay the bills!
I have heard good things about UCC. I believe it was US Underwater Services (?) that came up north here to offer some OPEX on nuke diving.
What Edward Southworth and Marty Jones said is spot on. Not sure what its like in the US, but we have Zebra muscle problems which keep us busy almost year round. Cleaning and more cleaning. Inspections and other fairly mundane stuff. The reactors up here are a different design so there is little radiological diving. It does happen though. Welding experience helps but is not required.
There is a highly experienced company in St.Catharines Ontario, Canada called ASI-Group. Good guys and a busy company if your a good diver.
Good luck


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