Has anyone else noticed that the quality of kirby morgan hat parts are getting cheap.  A few examples i have noticed in the last couple of years are the microphones are crap, I think there was a recall on them,they are/were not the Shure brand.  They just had a bulletin warning about the new regulator diaphram which doesn't fit properly. Also, the neoprene neck dam i bought in 1998 is twice as thick as their new ones.  these are just a few things i have noticed, and i am sure their are more cost cutting issues.  Is Connie Morgan killing the quality of the dive hats for the sake of profits.  The prices for hats keep going up and the quality of the product keeps going down.  Diving is dangerous enough as it is without kirby morgan using cheap "chinese" parts.  Maybe the divers should start voicing their concern to connie while she's laughing all the way to the bank.  

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noticed the neck dam issue, pretty sure its just the difference between ordering the "cold-water" version versus the "warm-water" one, but there was a period there where they did just disintegrate at and alarming rate.



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