i am thinkin about going to this school and i am not sure if its a good chose.wondering if anyone had any info. it would be a big help =) 

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FWIW - For What it is Worth!

The best value for Your Money and is the The Norwegian School of Commercial Diving (NYD)

See URL:




Cost for the Course is less than $6,000.00 USD{Yes Six Thousand Dollars] Why would You spend $20,000 plus for a certification?

Excellent advice.
The ticket comes cheap, but the additional expenses don't. For the duration of 4 months (accommodation, food etc) I payed around 6000 USD. You also forgot to mention it's the only school in the world that gives you closed bell training (around 2 weeks) during the course. I think it's worth it especially when compared to other schools here in Europe.


  I.m not taking a stab at you here but has anyone worked out the additional cost to relocate, live, Visa's Airfare ect.... Its great advice and NYD is an awsome school. But could be finaincily  out of range for some. Kyle Joseph right. If you can afford to go to NYD or a similer school do it! Both ADC and IMCA are for profit only organizations. Not goverment regulated the ADC being by far the worst of the two. If you are just looking at never leaving the US look into Young Memorial in Morgan city LA they will teach you what you need to know to get started in this game and you wont be out 20 thousand if you choose not persue diving as a proffesion

Young man, I am not looking to start another thead arguing the merits of choosing the proper school, but I see no reason to choose a school based soley on cost.  I spent 25 years in the diving industry and I never stoped learning. The time to do your research about the industry is prior to enrolling in dive school.  Do not choose the cheapest school (as consistently suggested) because you may not like the job when you learn more about it. Be certain this is the career for you, then attend the best school possible where you will learn the most and gain the most valuable credentials.  In the US only two schools offer IMCA recognition and yes, they are far better schools with more dive time at deeper depths, in realistic conditions than the so called "cheap" schools.  You get what you pay for and the time to research the idustry is now, before you plunk down money on school.  Education is costly, but the better the education the the faster you can excel.  In this global economy you are wasting your time and money seeking a certification that is not univesrally recognised. Norway is a fine school, but add up the true costs of traveling overseas to compared to training in your own country-the canadian cert is the meets the highest international standards.
Dirk thats the best advise that been posted in a long time!!!
Hit the nail right on the head!
well i dont have to pay a penny out of my pocket the us gov is paying for every thing but i can only go to school is the us but i can go to any school i want so im just look for the best school in the us im not even lookin at how much any of these schools cost cuz i dont care cuz im not paying for it
Move to California wait until you become a resident so you don't have to pay out of state tuition. Go to Santa Barbra city collage the price is right and you can get financial aid. Its like 23 bucks a unit first semesters like 19.2 units and second semester is like 14.2 units.
thank you all for the help its good to talk to real divers about this..but i am %100 sure this is what i want to do i have been a sport diver cents i was ten and this truly is my dream job
excuse me I want to throw up
Ace Your post made Copenhagen shoot out of my nose lol


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