sachin k siwach's Groups (9)

  • Global Industries, Ltd.

    13 members Latest Activity: Aug 13, 2017 Invitation for all the Global Industries employee. ( Permanent / Contract ) Please come with email id for personal conversion. 1. Diving…

  • Middle East Divers

    42 members Latest Activity: Oct 31, 2016


    26 members Latest Activity: Dec 28, 2017

  • Nuclear Diving & Support

    20 members Latest Activity: Jan 12, 2016 Share your experiences, adventures, pictures & any information that you think will help other divers in the nuclear industry.

  • Offshore Divers

    196 members Latest Activity: Apr 9, 2018 Does oil run in your veins? Ever dive on a rig that was knocked over by a hurricane? Do you routinely commute by helicopter to work? Then you…

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