I am a 21 year old student at Divers Institute of Technology, graduating February 2, 2011 i have started my resume and am interested in inland diving but open to offshore. are there any tips or advice to getting a job or places to work

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Its not going to be easy to find work wright now. The winter time is when work slows down a bit. I graduated around the same time last year and it took me till May to find work. You have to keep calling places you want to work for over and over again things are allways changing, and guys will come and go. Be open to move to a new location as well for work. 

im open to anything thanks for replying im excited to start though


We keep having to tell 'yall this.  The market is flooded.  Not much opportunity for NFGs.  You're gonna have to have a strong resume' and can back it up!  

Don't expect any help.  Your first mistake was believing the BS artist that took your parents money.  

It's going back to the old school ways...5 to 7 years tending.

i grad from dit summer of last year. out of my class of umm 20 only 3 ppl are working 2 inland and 1 offshore. i worked for one company then got laid off. bin knocking on doors for the past 9mths with no luck . even uprooted my life an moved down here. if i can take it all back now i would. sorry to say but it it flooded and dead slow for work. so much so most places moved shop else where.

thank you for bringing a reality check for some, good luck buddy. now might be a good time to get some other skills up to snuff while you wait for something else to open up.


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