Looking for any resources related to the duties and responsibilaties of a C diver in the oil and gas industry. Anything that can help prepare a diver for his first trip, videos, theory, terminology even images. Anything that can up the mental game!

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There is a ton of stuff out there, Commercial Oilfield Diving by Nick Zinkowski is a really dated book but a great resource, Offshore magazine on-line, Rigzone, will tune you up on work location. Have a look at the photo gallery here, and on Offshorediver.com, Check out the DSVs and dive systems all over the internet. Downloads on Offshorediver.com & Longstreath.com . Mostly keep your ears open & mouth shut. Be first , Never be last getting something done, anticipate job/diver needs. Don't dawdle and be constructively busy. You could possibly be ready in a couple of months of research, practice rigging and wrenching. Do you know how to set up a dive station? plumb a panel? build a divers hose? set up a jet hose & pump? airlift? tremmy?burning gear? etc etc etc. Good luck --a well planned job is pie in the sky but you have to try. You have to be of some value to your employer in your skill set cause every body is a "diver" what else are you?
"You have to be of some value to your employer in your skill set cause every body is a "diver" what else are you?"

i like the way you said that
Shot guys appreciate the advice!
Hi Terrick,

The Professionnal Divers Handbook by Submex should give you a good start !




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