I am interested in becoming a commercial diver I know a little bit about it, but just a little. For school i have an assignment that is an occupational interview so since I am looking to become one i was hoping some guys in the field could answer some or all of these questions for me.  Thanks for your time.. Dakota Schoonmaker




  1. What is a typical day like for you?
  2. What are the best aspects of this profession?
  3. What are the least desirable aspects of this profession?
  4. Who are the major employers of people in this field?
  5. What does it take to succeed?
  6. What educational background is required?
  7. Are there related jobs?
  8. What professional organizations or associations are affiliated with this career?
  9. Are there any hot topics or controversial issues associated with this career?
  10. Are there any magazines or periodicals that people in this field typically read?
  11. Are there any books, tv shows, or movies that adequately portray people in this profession?
  12. What does the future hold for this particular career?
  13. What kind of quality of life does this career afford?

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1. no typical days
2. no typical days
3. dangerous conditions, dangerous (incompetent) people
4. employers range from local construction contractors to world-wide oilfield developers to nations
5. for me-a native aptitude, skill, ambition/desire, strong will to survive/non-panicky nature, love of being wet, commitment to ongoing learning, a desire for excellence, professionalism, and love of the ocean, my favourite.
6. preferred would be engineering, manual trades/construction skills, spatial reasoning, common sense, independence,
7. haven't thought about it
8. many organizations around subset skills-AWS-welders, IMCA-diver, unions in some areas, contractors etc.
9. wages, working conditions, codes of safe practice, enforcement.
10. lots of trade magazines, and some not directly related like financial periodicals that pertain to economic trends conducive to investments that eventually benefit my industry
11.afew generally shabby movies, occassional docu-dramas on the tube, a few specialty publishers.
12.diving goes thru spurts of activity, when its busy-there aren't enough experienced when its slow there are too many candidates for the jobs available and the training facilities are relentlesly cranking out 'divers' no matter what the circ**stances are. For those who are committed and have the jam it its a great career. As long as we put stuff in the water we have to be able to install it, maintain it, and remove it.
13. if you like travel, independence, at times great reward for effort and hard work, perpetual learning, lifestyle the opportunities are limited to your own limitations, probably 6 out of 10 dive school grads have left the field after 2 or 3 years, over all.

I am proud of myself for not rambling on and limiting my responses to bare bones answers. pm-me for the loquacious and verbose versions.
Thanks for the input Bill and others
Hello guys. I have a question. I decided to study commercial diving in Zealand School of Commercial Diver Training (NZSCDT) and take all three levels of ADAS.
So, the question is. Do I have any chances to take a job in Australia or in NZ (or anywhere :0)
Why Im asking? it because in my country its very hard to find the the job.
Thank you.
1. Getting up at 5-6am, on site at 7 am work and dive untill job is finished, going back to the depot, empty the truck, clean it, prepare equiptment for the next job, repairs. Go home

2. Diversity of jobs (inshore, offshore, shipping, salvage etc), seeing different parts of the world (Nigeria, Congo, Brazil, South East Asia etc)

3. long hours, away from family, bad accomodation (getting shared bunkbeds next to the hydraulic powerpack of a barge)

4. Too many to mention.

5. Money and endurance

6. Preferably construction is my opinion

7. Rov, rope acces, Life support technicians, salvage etc

8. IMCA, HSE, Drass Galeazzi, Comex, Smit etc

9. Read the forum

10. Dunno, personally,when the job is finished at the end of the day... then the job is finished. I'm not going to buy and read magazines about more work. I do surf the net often (longstreath, drass galeazzi, offshore diver.com)

11. offshore diver a requiem, Black Gold Nat. Geographic. Oil Sweat and Rigs on Discovery etc

12. as long as a diver can beat a robot underwater were safe.

13. heavy on the family life, sometimes good pay, a lot of ups and downs.
You don't happen to work for Drass, do you?!
no, just a big fan ;)


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