From another Forum:


UK Lake Management Ltd have several vacancies for HSE 4 qualified divers. The job will entail working in nil visibility to depths of 10 feet. The diving at works acops will be adhered to on all dives. An average daily rate for a qualified "golf ball retriever" is between £250-£1000 GBP per day. Full training and support will be offered to the right individuals and the chance to earn £30-£50K per year will easily be acheived. For futher details please call Mark Collinson on 07702 485284.


Hmmm. If anybody goes for this, could they get me some of that  'Snake Oil'  for me back?

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I have a friend that retrives golf balls in your neck of the woods makes $45K in a bad year up $125K in a good year!!! By the way hows the product line comming along? cant wait to see it
Yep and how do you explain "And there I was when the gator took my ball sack!!!"
Yes indeed this should be a new thread. Al Bennet and I did a job down in Jean Layffette many years ago Removing a platforn in the swamp (Also was the first job for saw zilla). Day one cut casson with saw and cut 14 wood piles via hydro chain saw End of day Next morning back to work I knew I had three left to cut and so I did .then I came up with the bright idea to insp the h*** to insure there where none left in the time it took me to say Dammit theres another..... It moved!!! I hit the surface going in one dircetion the 15' gator hit the surface in the other direction apond arrival to the deck my only comment was "Its good and I'm the f... out of here
i waaaaant in!hahahaha
I know money is money but I don't think I could retrieve golf balls and still be able to call myself a commercial diver. That would be like riding a moped and calling yourshelf a biker.
Well Nick I use to think it sucked to have to be on a hand grinder grinding down metal so it would be made ready for welding fabrication then so when I started charging $85 a hr for my welding and fabrication years later it took on a wh*** new meaning. Like I am getting paid $85 a hr to prep this piece of metal that I also get to weld so who cares if your getting paid enough money for your time. Mind over matter if you dont mind it dont matter.
Mark Collinson, now there is a name that jogs a few memory cells.
Isn't he the guy who was sent to jail in 2002 for nicking golf balls from course lakes at night claiming the right of salvage. Only for the Judge to tell him salvage laws only apply to sea and lakes are liquid land in law, so he was charged with theft.

I have the deatils on computer at home, so I cant give you any links.

As for a £1k per day, utter cr*p


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