
SO currently I am planning on attending CDA in Jacksonville Florida. Now my question is this a decent school and is it even worth right now to drop the 30 grand plus to go there and potentially not get a job after, cause from what I am reading it does not sound very hopefully to get a decent paying job and I feel that the school is def blowing smoke up my ass and just trying to get me in to pay them. Thoughts?

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All inclusive education. No extra fees for the basics that a school should teach. Research...jobs are good...but off and on. plenty of rants and raves on these forums telling both sides of the story.

oceancorp in houston is a good school! i am soon to attend! cda has a bad rep from what i hear! oceancorp has been around since the 60s one of the oldest schools

Loved every minute of it when I went on 06/10. Do I have a job yet? Nope..

How about my class mates? Some are finally finding jobs.


What pissed me off the most about the school? The schools so called 95% plus placement rating.

I don't think anybody in my class got a job with the schools help.The cla**** before me only a few students out of say 20 got a job before they graduated.

Definitely expect to put your own footwork in finding a job.


Anything else to say negative about the school? Nope

The curriculum was awesome, loved all the hands on experience, the diving in almost zero vis water with a current most of the time was challenging and the teachers were well experienced with lots of years in the industry.

$30,000.00 for the course for a "certification"

Do not take this the wrong way. As the saying goes.....


"A fool and his money will be parted."


Go to NYD, YES IN NORWAY the school cost less than $6,000.00{yes six thousand]


AND YOU GET A "DIVING LICENSE"{Issued by the Goverment] to work anywhere in the World.


See URL:




DO NOT WASTE $30,000.00 USD


You can go too school , live there and purchase equipment for less than $30,000.00 USD

Great advice Joseph.

Alternative would be Santa Barbara City College, Marine Technology Course, certification Entry Level Tender / Diver is two semesters which is about $6K.

Quite a few owners of American Diving Companies are graduates of Santa Barbara.

Or come to California and stop by a 7/11 and say "Stick em Up" thats the first step to come to the Marine Technology Training Center, California Institution for Men, Chino.

we provide housing,food, clothing and at least 2045 hours of training.

I went to Professional Diving Centre in South Africa.. Diving course, DMT course,Plane ticket and room was 12k... Govt issued license with IMCA certs..
Ok, I have to decide....beetween The Norwegian School of Commercial Diving and The underwater Centre. I know that the price is the big difference but I want to Know about quality. Can anyone help me????

Not heard a bad word said against the Norwegian school and it is cheaper. If you can get on a course go there.


I think NYD is only the only school in the world which teaches TUP on it's air course.

The Noggies usually have the right idea. Remember though that although the course is cheap, this is the land of the £8 pint of beer...not a lot of cheapness in Norway!
Yeah I think the NYD school doesn't have housing and I heard apartments aren't cheap over there. Look in profesional diving centre.It's cheap. Plus your in a huge city and lots of clubs,girls. and beer is around 1.80 a glass
What about certification in Africa? it is recognized world wide?

Yes is IMCA


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