A diver is only as good as his last dive.

Just as the pressure is strong on a tender to prove him or her self,there is also pressure on the new or "break-out" diver to prove his or her worth.It's always important in this type of situation to keep your head and not let your self get talked into situations that are not safe.Your most important tool as a diver is your brain and your ability to think through potencial problems before they occur.Take the time to analyze each dive before you get in the water so you will have a plan for how to do the dive and how you will handle different situations should they occur.Make sure you have all of the tools and equipment you need readly to go and that they are in good working order.

Have a good and safe diving season.

Merry xmas and a happy new year in advance.


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Replies to This Discussion

Just remember that as there are no living hero, so also there are no old bold divers alive.

Also, always bear in mind that, as babies must creep before they walk so green horns must learn

the strings of the game. There is always five "Ps" to every job. (PRIOR PLANNING PREVENTS POOR

PERFORMANCE). Merry Xmas and wonderful new year ahead.


clement o.

thanks for the concern brother,ya u r right bro>>.....thanks again

dive safely bro


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