God forbids Flynn reads this. I just started with this line of work. In the last 8 months I've been home 2 and 1/2 months. Some due to schooling and some due to work. Every time I'm away I want to come home. Every time I'm home I feel like getting away a.s.a.p. I hope you more experienced guys can tell me if I'm normal?
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A true diver wants to be on the job. My longest hitch was 5.5 months. It was good to be home, but two weeks later I wanted back out.
Yes. That's what I mean. I've been home for 2 weeks my girl is driving me crazy and I'm driving her crazy and I want to go to work.
Erik yes its normal psych it takes time to seperate the life roles you have now chozen. Balanced healthy thinking is the goal here that includes staying healthy emotionally. It takes awhile to become seasoned at all of this.
If you have never been away from your family or loved ones before it really compounds keeping a healthy mental balance. When you run out of emotional gas you'll crash, ya dont want to crash. Stay emotionally healthy and strive for a healthy modovational balance. We all go thru this in our own ways.
I carry a small Bible in my brief case so if I get should low while away I can retouch my faith for inspiration and modivation and be able to go back out there and do what God put me here to do. I hope this will give you some helpful insight.
Thx for the advice guys.
yea your normal... but keep family first. Their the ones who have to bury you
The only way your tender will bring up your body is if you have a Rolex on.
Just remember DIVING and DIVORCE are on the same page in the phone book!!!!!!!!!!! and ya if you love to dive then you will always feel like you should be going off to work.
Hehe. S*** I knew you'd come around. It's great to hear from you and once again thanks for any kind of input from anyone of you guys. From the moment I decided to start with this line of work I knew what was coming but it's a little bit more extreme than I thought it would be. Anyway, stay safe, keep busy and stay off my girl Flynn. Cheers.
i feel the same way all the time, could relate to this


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