Read this carefully. Things have changed and the Divers and Supervisots will no longer be left out! Your Ideas on how we can best work will be heard!! The system is being set up and won't coast you your job to have a voice. Make sure you click on the “Who is the OGP” button at the bottom

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great news , thanks for sharing this John
By now most know that the OPG has set up its Oxy Arc Task Force. I am part of that and believe they are going in the right direction. Until this is done I am telling everyone be careful and think about what you are doing

The #1 screw up is poor or no vent. Do not burn lower first! Example 1: Your burning on a slopped deck. Do not burn on the lower section of that deck and then send someone higher on the deck to burn padeye h***s. Gas/Hydrogen could have migrated up the slopped deck. This could KILL you. Example 2: Vent a Vertical Diagonal at the top where it ties in not half way up. Make your Vent at the highest Place Gas could become trapped.

#2 Until this is settled, when using any machine that converts from AC to DC, run tboth the Ground and the Torch through a double poll Knife switch.

Sometime next year the OGP will publish everything their Task Force develops it will be on their web page for down load to anyone.. There are good knowledgeable people on their Task Force, including working DIVERS & Supervisors.



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