PLEASE HELP!!! I'm sick of my office job!! ADVICE FOR A NEWBIE!!!


I'm planning a career change back into the world of diving from the "wonderful" world of online Marketing.  I would love for some insight from you, the Experts, to help me in the right direction.

A bit of background: 

I started diving 4 years ago, and went from OW to DM in 3 months, then sat my IDC 6 months + 2 days after I took my first breath U/W. 
Yes, I fell in love right away, and found something that i'm naturally good at.

I worked for 3 years as a pro in Mexico, Honduras and the Bahamas, then I met "her" and well here I am now living in Vancouver, BC.  I still teach diving occasionally P/T, but the recreational industry here does not pay the bills, although, it does get me some nice kit!!. 

My passion when diving is shooting either stills or video and of course teaching.  I have heard that there's work out there doing environmental and engineering surveys.  I would prefer to work inshore, but realistically, I will work anywhere, do anything and happily tender the crew, as long as they don't try and pull me into their rack on a cold night...

All of the posts which you have done are very insightful, and I have gleaned a lot of information from them on what I can expect to make out of the gate and so on.  

Some questions which I cannot seem to answer are:
  • How much work there is out there
  • How often work comes around.
  • How long contracts run for. 
I assume that if you get on with a good team you'll do well, and have enough work to keep reasonably busy. And of course once you start to make a name for yourself in the industry, work will seem to find you.

Thanks for the read!


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Geoff, I wrote on your wall. Get back to me I think I can point you in the right direction mate.


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