THe ADC is submitting a draft with thier Requirements and on the first written page - this is written


"No responsibility is assumed by the Association of Diving Contractors International, Inc. (“ADCI”),

its members, board of directors, officers, or publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or

property as a matter of liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any

methods, product, instruction, standards, rules, or ideas contained in the material herein. No

suggested test or procedure should be carried out unless, in the reader’s judgment, its risk is

justified and the reader assumes all responsibility".


OK they want to write the rules but assume no responsibility? HELP

John R

any comment before I continue  with this doc**ent?

 I know they're watching this forum but I dont really care. We want fair not one sided right?








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What Jerry says is true I can attest to this as having been a witness to this behavior since 1972 when I attended my first ADC meeting in New Orleans. Jerry you are to be commended for your leadership in standing up and speaking the truth.
Ace, I appreciate the commendation, however without the information From John, Dale, Bill, Frank, yourself and others, I would have never started digging. Its what I do. I cannot sit and remain quiet when kids new to this business are being cheated out of money (being paid tender wages and being called divers) and experience just to give the appearance of contentment in front of customers. Real Divers built the industry that the ADC is attempting to monopolize. """""A word of knowledge to those who are of the beliefe that the ADC walks on water and is a know all controling entity.""""" THE ANSI STANDARD, O.S.H.A , THE USCG AND THE NAVAL EXPERIMENTAL DIVING UNIT are the diving authority in this country. NOT the ADC, there is NO LAW that requires a qualified diver to have and maintain an ADC card (WHY?) Because the ADC is what it says : An ASSOCIATION OF DIVING CONTRACTORS (not divers brothers and sisters). Any education that is passed down as it has been for over 1000 years( didnt know this profession was that old!) IS VALID within the scope of the company operating in compliance with ANSI OSHA the USCG and within the safety platform developed by the NEDU ( the AUTHORITY who wrote the tables you dive everyday).
YOu are the blood of this business. My mouth may keep me out of the GOM (for now - I know how to contact Oil Execs like the big guys ). But if it brings you guys home safe every hitch then I will gladly remain self employed. THere is a wave growing anyone can teach divers (IF YOUR QUALIFIED )- and while the educational format of the ADC is a great start it is very weak in experience and skill requirements. If you cannot complete a valve stack assembly banding welding and burning projects in the dark (this isnt a two week training matrix and is the bulk of what real divers do) then you wouldnt dive on any job I bring in until you earned it. Thats how it used to be, and its the reason "Divers(Tenders)" are dying younger and younger every year and in every country. COntractors look out for contractors - Divers watch each others backs the way Im watching yours now ( as are others in this business. )
Fair winds and soft seas....
True, Jerry, we all need to read this carefully and participate, which is exactly what I am going to do. I HAVE to do, because of my job as well.
But just a note, the accetable limit of BMI per the draft, is 28. That is one point below the highest limit for overweight. Higher than 29.9 is considered Obese. That is only logical. All the health implications of being Obese add a lot of risk to diving. It's not like they are demanding a lot. And in consideration to females the Body Fat % is higher.
I believe, however, like you say, that there going to be a lot of important points we need to contest and speak up about.
I am 6'1" and weigh in at a healthy 226, according to the dive doc when I was in school, "according to the current "ADCI REQUIREMENT"I was slightly overweight, and I smoke too much ( 1/2 pack per day)". TO this I politely reminded him that the Dept of Veterans Affairs had Issued my education orders, and I asked him to follow me to the parking lot and proceeded to lift the rear end of my Full sized F-150 (with my gear in the bed) approximately 12 inches off the ground, I asked if he felt any of the kids who checked in before me looked capable of this act; He grinned and told me to enjoy the course and call if I had any problems. ( I was 43 that day I am 44 now its how I keep my spine aligned)
You still have 30 years of diving ahead of you.
THats my hope, if I dont wind up blackballed!lol Fear rules allot of small businesses, and my opinions which are always based on doc**ented fact scare people. But I learned from my grandfather along time ago. NEVER bow to any man, and in 30 years I still refuse to. THough I am very limited to the amount of incoming freelance work I do now verses prior to me finding this forum ( 60 % drop LOL) GOD has my back. I will not risk my neck to pay for your kids education if Im not paid well enough to pay for mine's schooling. Respectable companies and businesses keep me working. Those who fear my experience and my mouth, I wouldnt want to work for any way. These are the guys who will get you killed and make it look like your fault....


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