Starting next week, the week of Sepr.20, 2010, the announcements on our buisness will come fast and from every quartter. The first major announcement will not come from the ADCI, IMCA or the Government. It could turn out to be the most important of everything that follows!



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Yeah, John, what gives?
Friday Morning; Right now I'm like a 13 year old girl waiting on my first bra.
LOL ok, must be good.... what time Friday, and where?
Former Petty Officer HT1/DV Parnell standing bye at parade rest awaiting this important announcement.
Guess that you owe Mr Roat an apology then Mike because things are happening in several different arenas simultaneously that will impact the divers either directly or indirectly. For instance, regarding the reporting of injuries and illnesses:

At the request of Congress members the GAO (Government Accountability Office) was asked to analyze OSHA's audits of employers' injury and illness records to determine the accuracy of the data. GAO's investigation recommended the Secretary of Labor direct OSHA to implement the following changes:

1) Interview the workers that were injured or to interview those that were there.

2) Minimize the time between the date of injuries are recorded and the date they are audited

3) Update the list of high hazard industries

4) Increase education and training of employers so they better understand the recordkeeping requirements.

OSHA has already agreed to these recommedations.


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