Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforecment Offshore Drilling Forum

Time is short. So anyone that would like to be heard needs to submit their comments soon.


Deadline for submitting comments is September 17, 2010.

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Enforcement and Regulation is seeking comment from the public on deepwater drilling safety reforms, blowout containment, and oil spill response so that deepwater drilling can proceed in a manner that is safe for crews, the environment, and coastal communities.

You can submit your comments in one of these ways: 

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement MS 4010 381 Elden Street Herndon, VA 20170-4817
Submit comments online.

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Okay Diva, I'll take the bait.

We cannot endure yet another layer of Job-Hazard review, checklists, or Operational Audit-- this technique for managing risk in the industry has reached a point of diminishing returns. For example, would you believe that one Major still experiences industrial fires (of all kinds) in their facilities (onshore and offshore) at the rate of 5,000 per DAY?

Is the answer another certification, training class, or card to keep in your wallet? No. This can have a negative effect on the industry, where we are so tunnel visioned on finding people with all of the right pieces of paper that we no longer place any value on experience or work performance. We rely upon building skills over years of work experience (which doesn't always come readily in the Diving business) and working with people that value collaboration, teamwork, and Raising the Bar of Professionalism. You don't get that from a little plastic card; unfortunately that is often the customer's-- or regulation's-- primary demand.

It's less-clear where the BOEMER's relationship with Industry will head and how it may affect us. Their "blunt instrument" approach (The Moratorium) obviously needs to be sharpened on high-risk activities with a rational basis-- considering more than just water depth, for example, in determining what is High Risk.

Thanks again for starting the discussion Diva.


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