I would like to say thanks to anybody on this site who has so far helped me with suggestions and advice. I finished school 3 weeks ago and landed my first job a couple of days ago. So it's been quite a straightforward matter for me up till now. Knowing that I don't know s*** about s*** and that I'm a wormy worm as Flynn would like to say, I promise to keep my mouth shut and ears open. That being said thanks again everybody and stay safe.

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Thanks Mike, same to you.
work smart, ask as many questions as possible and never stop working, theres always something to fix/clean. Expect to get bullied alot and screamed at by your sup. reply with a smile and you'd be a star diver in no time.

You're lucky to get a job right off the boat.

All the best mate.
Thanks Jon, all the best to you as well. Lipa gdje si ti i kako si. Nadam se da ideš prema ostvarenju cilja. Meni je za sada sve išlo kao po špagi. Vidjet ćemo da li će tako i ostati. Puno pozdrava.
Hallo Erik! You got your first job finally...I'm very happy for you. That's a good example for all the cinical and pessimistic divers on this site who are saying ahhh there's no job, crisis, ovreflooded market etc. GO FOR IT!
Speaking of headaches and troubles, waiting on the airport for the plane to arrive I got the call that the job has been cancelled. What a start.
Yeap, happened to me too.. and every other diver I know. It's part of the job, but hey, it means more time to learn new things like sharpening a knife or learning knots or fixing stuff. Or hitting the gym.. cold cutting a pipe can be a b**** if you're unfit.
Erik thats why you get and have a round trip ticket from your employer first that shows you they are serious anything less than that is bs and all at your expense.. First things first a round trip ticket in your hand and a up front deposit to insure your covered because if your going to make a commitment to them you want to insure they are to you also. But if you have alot of money like Fred Johnson and me well heck you shouldnt mind funding a dive company to run their poor broke-d*** underfunded operation. In todays economy and marine construction market theres way too many flaky contractors out there-cover yourself first. If they really want you and have money they will take care of business items up front. Trying to get paid after the fact is not the way to go I have plenty of stories to back this up. The game has changed guys.
Well, just got back home. The company paid for all expenses and added in a couple of day rates. Could have been worse but the job is gone.
Your lucky this time. Good for you Erik.
I'd rather have a job next time Ace.
Who wouldnt Erik.
Hahaha thanks Flynn I heard every word of your advise and experience with that guy and appreciated it thanks. My travel was paid for coming and going and finally got compensation but what a ordeal getting paid WOW!.
Its another sign of the times that some underfunded diving contractors that dont have a good working relationship with a bank are trying to put on diving employees greedy and no intergerity. Working for a underfunded contractor sucks.
How you doing Flynn ?


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