Listen up all you divers whos worked with me offshore in the Gulf. Ive got an Interview on wednesday the 14th. To talk about the problems with BP not paying for time lost to divers. See they will pay peaple who work in resturaunts, deck hands, fisherman, and even people who cant swim in the ocean anymore???!!!   but they wont pay divers. So if anyone wants to add anything for me, Ill mention it in this Interview. The news station is news channel 8 in Tampa Florida. Im sure there others out there who are a little pissed about all thats going on...


Russ Smith

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Hey, the strippers in Louisiana filed a claim, flie a LAW SUIT, and add discrimination and interference of wages in it. Not tryin to be funny, but it is a thought.
Tell them unemployment is only covering your bar tab and you have other habits that need to be funded.
NO CASH NO SPLASH!! those wankers screw up the sand box, so who's going to jump to clamp the next leak? in that TOXIC dead zone? F*** THEM! shallow work is drying up they know it! YA THEY GET ALL MISTY ABOUT DIVERS!!
I just got a check for 5000.00 and will recive them for the next 4 months...I suggest you go after yours
Ok Russ I am listening talk to me brother .
They called me today and said the moritorium was lifted and BP wants to pay the divers for lost time. Im supposed to pick up a check for 5000 in 2 weeks. He actually sounded like he was sorry for making me wait.....??? Im scared, hold me.
Can you direct me to where we go for the paper ork to begin ? Thanks,

Call the main number for claims and they will direct you to a office in your area or take care of it from there. Go to deep horizon oil spill and youll see the 800 number.
Just type in deep horizon oil spill. and youll go directly to the web site. Punch claims and youll be directed from there. Remember, youve been out of work since it blew.


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