ADCI & IMCA Are Nothing But BS


Of course I will be interested in your comments.

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John thank you for keeping this on the front burner.
ADCI & IMCI is for the diving contractors good we are all extras like in a movie. If divers want more than they need to have their own orgazination for divers interests till then we are stuck clean and simple we need to stand up or shut up. So who will represent commercial divers.
Ace disgusting isn't it. Well what I want is to keep everyone interested and paying attention; Let us see what the Coast Guard and the Oil companies do. I think both shoes are going to drop in the not two distant future.

Remember The Peter J Pilkington Group will be commenting on everything the ADCI does and making their own suggestions to the Coast Guard. Everyone has access to everything suggested to the Coast Guard for the CFRs
I agree, If you read OSHA standards for divers the bottom line is you have to have so many dives in a hat and the proper amount of on the job training. It still stands today. Show em your last three dives, give em the companies youve worke for and thats it...You dont need to go to school by OSHA standards. You just have to be trained by experienced people and prove through you dive logs that your capable of performing the job properly.And safe. Now Im speaking on behalf for inland divers who wont go below 1 atmosphere. The rest is practical experiance...Wait Im right..Damn you really learn everything doin the job, WOW what a concept. But I suggest paying 35000 dollors to go to school and learn how to...spend 35000 dollars. Everything else youll learn on the job....Go get em


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