As the American people's frustration continues to mount after BP chief executive Tony Hayward took the weekend off to attend a yacht race in England, more and more people are calling for the use nuclear weapons to stop the flow of oil threatening the Gulf of Mexico. From oil expert Matt Simmons, chairman of Simmons & Company International to bloggers the world over. The Obama White House maintains that the nuclear solution it not under consideration and with good reason, since there is one  piece of information that the White House, BP, ADC, USCG and MMS isn't putting out to the general public. 

The BP wellhead now dumping thousands of barrels of crude a day into the Gulf of Mexico is located in the Eglin AFB Water Test Area near several munitions and explosives dumps — 19 of them, or at least 19 listings of such dumps. The dumps mentioned above are all within one degree of lat/long of the oil well that exploded April 20. They are identified in the doc**ent Navigational Chart 411, published by NOAA to aid marine navigation in the Gulf of Mexico.


The BP well is located in a corner of the USAF Eglin Gulf Test Range, a vast area which covers 98,000 square miles of the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Maintained by the 46th Test Wing which is responsible for the testing and evaluation of nonnuclear munitions, electronic countermeasures and navigation/guidance systems for the US and other governments, other federal agencies and the private sector,


The Gulf range has been in act use since the early 1940s beginning as a test site for WWII munnitions such as the US JB-2 missile and continuing in use today as a test site for Tomahawk missiles and sea trial site for Navy Aegis Cruisers. 

Did BP know about this? Oh yeah, it's listed as section (c) in the Information To Lessees, Eastern Gulf of Mexico Sale 189, published by MMS.

"(c) Unexploded Ordnance. The U.S. Air Force has released an indeterminable amount of unexploded ordnance throughout Eglin Water Test Areas. The exact location of the unexploded ordnance is unknown, and lessees are advised that all lease blocks included in this sale within these water test areas should be considered potentially hazardous to drilling and platform and pipeline placement.”

So since even the US Govt has no idea what exactly is down there or where, tossing a Nuke into the pile might not be the solution to the oil spill problem.

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so far as i can tell, you like what media "expert" matt simmons says. myself—i do LISTEN very carefully to his jargon. i UNDERSTAND a little. as a skeptic by my nature, i scrutinize information as well as people. i use the oxford dictionary (on wikipedia, everybody is an expert—but it does have its place) for definitions of words! i'm not as gullible to rhetoric as i have taught myself to read between the lines.

matt's a gambler did you know that?

"In August 2005, Simmons bet John Tierney and Rita Simon, the widow of Julian Simon, $2500 each that the price of oil averaged over the entire calendar year of 2010 will be at least $200 per barrel (in 2005 dollars). This wager has been dubbed "The Simmons-Tierney Bet." Unless there is a significant unforeseen event, it appears highly unlikely that Simmons will win this bet. However, the world-wide economic collapse created demand destruction that greatly decreased the demand for oil and thus reduced prices. This supports the criticism that Simmons theories do not take into account economic effects enough. However, his theories about the difficulties in increasing (or maintaining) production levels have not yet been disproved."

also he's
"member of the club of rome." i've told you before.

he's telling you what they're going to do.

and what does all of this mean? all of this together? very interesting.
From a Jay Hancock Blog:

So you might think investment banker Matthew Simmons is worried about his wager that oil will be worth five times that amount two years from now. Convinced that oil production can’t keep up with global growth, Simmons bet New York Times columnist and blogger John Tierney $10,000 that the average daily crude price in 2010 will be more than $200.

Is he having second thoughts?

“God no,” he said on the phone the other day. “We bet on the average price in 2010. That’s an eternity from now.”

Simmons argues that the economy isn’t as weak as it seems, that low oil prices will shut down production and that the world will soon see a supply squeeze and price spike. Oil price graphs, he says, will look like a “V” – straight down and straight up.

“We’re going to create a ’V’ that’s very dangerous," he said. “We could pierce through the old price high like a hot knife through butter in a very short period of time.”

Well, why did oil just crash below $37? Doesn’t that indicate evaporation of demand?

“What we’re witnessing is probably a massive liquidation of paper contracts,” said Simmons, author of Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy.

Tierney, an admirer of late University of Maryland business professor Julian Simon, likes his chances. The last time commodity prices soared, in the late 1970s, Simon bet environmental scaremonger Paul Ehrlich that they would fall. Simon’s thinking, based on centuries of economic history: Substitution, technology and new discoveries would keep resources from becoming scarce and expensive

Simon won the bet. Tierney had him in mind when he bet Simmons, in 2005.

“I remain utterly ignorant about the intricacies of the oil market either today or in 2010 – and I remain confident that it’s smart to bet against energy or any other resource becoming scarcer and more expensive in the future,” Tierney says via email. “So I figure the odds are with me to win this bet, especially now that prices are still so much below $200 a barrel.”

The futures market says he's right. Oil for delivery in eternity -- 2010 -- is $60 a barrel.
Supply is screwed because of the BP fiasco and because Obama's drilling moritoriums may limit new exploration. That leaves one variable: demand. Until we change how we live and until India and China stop emulating us, demand will increase -- and it won't take much of an increase for prices to skyrocket past $200.
So since even the US Govt has no idea what exactly is down there or where, tossing a Nuke into the pile might not be the solution to the oil spill problem.

you believe this b*******! LOL TV never lies !?
Just goes to show how concerned BP really is, He should be chained to a hatch cover on a skimmer making daily reports and bathing in sea water like the volunteers cleaning up his companies mess. A real site would be the entire decision making and operational staff there chained to him as well.....


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