any of you guys know anything about this Group? good or bad let me know.

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Jerry the ADCI started out saying they were for divers safety and thats why they were coming together at the first divers safety seminar I attended in New Orleans back in 1972.
I am not sure how they claim they have been around since 1968 but thats another issue.
I think what that really meant was it was an avenue to keep their insurance costs in line and in all fairness divers safety too at the time cause alot of divers were getting killed then..
Ok that has its merits however it really is a diving contractors club for the contractors as in Association of diving contractors not Association of commercial Divers. If you can digest that then you who ever you may be will realize where we really are today. No real conscern is given to what we are paid or if we can make a living on it.They dont really give a damn if we make any money or not as in Diving contractors not commercial divers. The old saying use em and before you get rid of then abuse em sometimes comes to mind.
So heres an Idea guys new organisation - The Association of Commercial Divers International (ACDI). Membershp Dues 100.00 year we hire our own lawyer to return wages to $1.00 below Union Scale and The Divers Continue to make a decent Living and the companies still make a killer profit. The only difference, is that we can afford to live and practice our craft again.....Bet no one seconds it(Prove me wrong gang.....


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