hey there. i want to get into  this field badly!!  i am torn. i am 25 , fit and suited for cold, wet , hard ass labor! i am in the process of having uncle sam pay for my diveschool, full ride. good deal right? sure. but i am hearing about all this lack of work. i want to be in this field but what positions are most marketable right now?  i can take any course i choose. so help me out.  what do you think about hyperbaric medicine.   tell me what you think of  becoming a scuba intructor and doing that for resorts cruise ships , hull cleaning etc. it seems like it might be a better choice, at least financially for the momen with this economy. let me know what you think. time is ticking and i need to get on that paper chase!!! thanks!!!!

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ya but at least you aren't trying to turn people away from diving.......s*** might be bad right now but so is everything else. i use to do cctv sewer pipe inspection. that s*** is dead too just like everything else but it's gonna pick up along with everything else.
appreciate that nick. where do you think the largest labor market is right now in the US? international??
I really don't know, I was considering hanging up the SL 17 and starting a business. I've never really tried to go international but always wanted to. The gulf has its ups and downs and I really love working out here, especially cause the water is nice and warm.

An old friend from high school got a hold of me (stupid myspace) and wanted to get into some diving, I told it to him straight, it's a hard business to get into. As a new guy, companies will hire you but the retention rate is still really high. We busted our a**** to get the rates up after Katrina and Rita but now I have a hard time asking for 30 bucks an hour down here. Its still there though, you just have to find it.
actually i am going thru the voc rehab process right now. the catch is i have to find a local labor market! that means to them 10 job openings within a 50 mile radius of my home. thats next to impossible here in los angeles! my counselor said i could move to new orleans or wherever there is a labor market and get my rehab transfered. what do yall think? how is the labor market in the gulf right now?
Thomas here is a suggestion on reorienting your counselor to get away from his local thinking of a 50 mile radius.
First in this line of work we work world wide as the worlds diving needs dictate. You might consider redirecting his thinking a 50 mile radius from any airport.
With all of that said here is a suggestion of what I use when a prospective employer when they start asking where I live or where are you. I reply do you know where the airport is ? His answer -yes. My reply- well I am right by the airport. Hope this helps good luck.
I think I'd start with a dive physical .Not the one for the school but the one you get when you go to work. The reason is the school physical is more flexiible. But when the the Doc for your employer reviews your 70% disability file you may not be eligible under the liability insurance. After that I'd say get your license as master electrician and use the g.i. school deal on something else. A young man like you can save 4000.00 up and go to school dive school in morgan City la. They dont have dive medic but as a dive medic myself. the hyperbaric training and cert is valuable on land now more than 20 yrs ago when I graduated. I just dont think its the most valuable thing you can do with that free school money . Maybe become a nurse which would be even more valuable to your dive company and guaranty you work when its slow. In most states it doesnt take more than four years to get a master license in a trade like electrician. You have more than that . Having the license already will insure your doc**ent-able experience wont run out and also make you more valuable in the slow times. Most dive schools are 16k. Dont blow it . Scuba instructor is about 5k. You can finance that yourself cuz it takes time and Dives. The most important thing is to slow down and make wise decisions with your resources.What ever you want to do will be there as long as you are a live.
thanks man. i was in school for my RN but fell out of it. its not what i want to do. i am definetly a tradesman. my disability is thru the VA and i dont have to submit those records to anyone. it doesnt impede me physically and diving and industrial situations dont trigger my stress. the electrical field may be a good secondary and its not out of the question so thanks for that. i am game for any kind of work that i can utilize my dive skills, even eventually,inland diving, hull cleaning, barge work . you know whatever! im gonna make this happen hopefully without paying a red cent. i really appreciate the input guys keep it coming.tom


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