Hey guys, for those of you who were there, we used to get issued a little plastic covered spiral bound reference book with formulas and a set of tables. The book was water proof, About 4" X 6". Black and white cover cant remember who printed it.

Think the title was something like Navy Divers Guide book or Reference Book (Cant remember exact title). Im trying to find a copy. If anyone has one, Id like to buy it. Call me or send me a message here.


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Dont think its an ACTUAL Govt Book since its printing is being outsoursed.
Available starting at $59.07 Brand New on Alibris.com
Ordered from London via normal shipping will get to you about July 13.
Also available on Amazon.com

Make sure to order the 6th Ed. if you want the newest edition.
Us Navy Divers Handbook: Revision 6
For the first time in over a decade the "US Navy Divers Handbook" is to be released with latest and most up-to-date Revision 6 tables. The Handbook not only contains the US Navy Decompression Tables but also the Recompression Chamber Operator's Handbook. It is pocket size, printed on waterproof ... Show more For the first time in over a decade the "US Navy Divers Handbook" is to be released with latest and most up-to-date Revision 6 tables. The Handbook not only contains the US Navy Decompression Tables but also the Recompression Chamber Operator's Handbook. It is pocket size, printed on waterproof/tear proof pages, and is easily referenced. Used internationally by recreational, commercial, and military divers because of its authoritative and approved procedures, it contains the latest decompression tables and techniques for avoiding decompression sickness. This durable handbook is a must for all divers and chamber operators. The Revised 6th Edition of the "United States Navy Diving Manual" incorporates many changes. The first major change is a complete revision of the air diving procedures and air diving tables in Chapter 9 of the Manual. 'The procedures and tables are the mature product of ten years of work including testing, rigorous analysis, and Fleet Diver feedback. The bottom line is that these new tables and procedures represent a quantum step forward in safe diving practices and correct identified safety deficiencies in the existing air tables that have been part of the manual virtually without significant change for fifty years' - Captain Rich Hooper, "USN Faceplate Magazine", Vol 11 No. 2. The second major change concerns the operation and procedures of the Oxygen Regulator Control Assembly (ORCA), a key material element that enables the proper implementation of the preferred air diving decompression regime in the revised Diving Manual: decompression with oxygen. The third addition is the training requirements for Oxygen Worker Training, a necessary element for commands to manage the oxygen systems which are required for the revised procedures.

Binding: Spiral-bound

Publisher: AquaPress

Date published: 2010

ISBN-13: 9781905492183

ISBN: 1905492189
Thanks Diva
Appreciate it. Newer is usually better.


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